
Take only 2 lane winding state highways to Texas.

Put a 'busa motor in... wait a second...

For some reason this picture reminds me of the Dukes of Hazard reunion show. You know, the starts that were soooo beautiful a few years ago definitely packed on a few pounds.

My question is if you are blind enough to not be able to see the 8C as the most beautiful car since the E-type, how do you manage to click the radio buttons to vote for something else?

Let me get this straight, the basis of her show is people calling in to see if they can afford a certain purchase, or would over-extend their mediocore credit?

I wanted to vote for the Brilliance BS6 with the body by Budwieser, but sadly, it didn't make the cut.

Yes yes, very good COTD, but what the hell is that picture? I can't tell if it's some sleazy motel video rental booth or an underware vending machine.

I'm wondering where the online application is, that isn't too bad a salary especially with all the government benefits. I'll condem them for spending too much after I know for sure they won't spend it on me.

I just don't see this column going anywhere.

Damn, I'm all out of sulfuric acid to cleanse my eyes with.

@Sm0k3y: Would that make Cayanne an obsenity?

I'ld be happy if premium dropped below 4.50 a gallon, but still has about 15-20 cents to go. The price you pay to live in CA I guess.

I'm all for ford bringing over thier european cars, but what is this going to do to all the great mercury's we currently have? Like, um... like... nevermind. Guess this sounds like a good plan then.

My brain says small diesel hatches, but my inner dragon is screaming for some hot Alfa action. Guess that means I pine for the 147 3 door.

Beautiful, but I would like to see the beer can exhaust tips to really finish of the details.

This makes me think we should have a reserect a supercar PCH Edition. This SLR vs. the Enzo on the PCH (the highway)

@beercheck: I'ld call that Jalopnik product placement, which is better than anything else on the market right now anyways.

How about boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl, only girl is acutally a car, and boy is a dragon.