
The artist in me finds the late '60s European GT's to be some of the most beautiful things ever to grace a ribbon of asphalt, but the engineer inside thinks that 200hp/L is damned sexy in it's own right.

So why do I not see any dragon pics?

There are just enough shiny bits to make the 70 not seem like a lost cause.

Is it just me, or does the beard make the top half of his head look disproportionately small?

Up the river?

I felt that Swift Jumping deserved the nod simply because of the insanity of jumping a car on a public street.

What more is there to say than abso-friggin-lutely!

I think the Cord is a bit farther gone, but having to learn Italian just to find the tiny bits is a bit more hellish.

When driving enthusiastically I don't need some computer second guessing me, I'm perfectly capable of doing that myself.

That would be one hell of a roundhouse if one of the sides didn't inflate fully or the steering wheel was turned 90 degrees. Yeah, I didn't die from the impact it was my car crushing my windpipe so I could see the idiot on their cell phone that pulled out in front of me continue yapping about how inconsiderate I am

I do like the idea of being able to streamline processes such as getting pulled over, going through airport security, etc. That being said much as the saying "When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns" I tend to think that all of us good subordinates of the government will carry our RFID's while those up to

Yet another reason I heart Maximum Bob.

One winter heading home from Chicago to Wisconsin I threw the belt on my mustang. My fault, I found a "custom" belt that bypassed the air pump and stretched enough to rub against itself after 50 miles. All I heard was a 1/4 second squeek and thwap, thwap, thwap. Then it was battery light, check engine light, and very

If the pic was just a wee bit bigger we could play an awesome round of DOTS name those cars: Fanboys in the middle of nowhere edition.

@respawn: Oh, but you can. The investment in a laptop and wireless will more than pay for itself as far as that is concerned.

So since we can't call them d-bags because they whined and bitched about it can we call them a bunch of whiny bitches?

I know this sounds critical, but I think the numbskulls who blew up the SHO should be labled the Oddities and the batshit crazy nutjob who wants a limo to go a full 1/4 mile in the air qualifies for Hoon of the Day.

It may not be a good sign, but at least their priorities are straight.

Very classy idea. My brother used roughly the same idea in his bedroom only it smelled like cheap beer, ditch weed, and camel lights. There were Metallica posters on the wall, and on the radio built out of junkyard parts. Oh, did I mention the chair was a black vinyl bench out of a '69 Nova?

So what public service campaign are they going to use now that the finger wagging doesn't really apply? Holding your hand up in the shape of an "O" that is too big for the pinkys?