Mark Thoresen

"Charles Dodgson — the pen name of Lewis Carroll"

This. ^

If you want to get technical, this was prehistory as it was Bronze Age.

Earliest proven murder. Cain and Able are believed to be the first murderer and victim by a good portion of the Western world, not my belief, but to each their own.

There is no way to know if he was actually the first ever assassinated human, odds are he is not, only that he is the furthest back discovered assassination.


Back during the Iran-Contra hearings, my friends and I, social degenerates all, spent a week partying, our favorite game was chug boat with the Iran-Contra hearings, we called it "Getting Clarified". Of note, at the time I attended school with Tate and Stuart North (Ollie's kids).

Day one...shut up, I am not a pervert...I'm a #PROVERT

His name is Bob...

Say what you want about that R2-D2 spatula, but my Stormtropper one is the bomb.

Pitch perfect. Good job!


Udvar-Hazy is in Dulles, VA not Reston and it was indeed the location of the Enterprise until last Thursday.

It's OSAMA not OBAMA, think you may be a Freudian Birther.

It's only an additional $10 for personalized plates here in VA, we have the most vanity tags per capita in the union, I believe.

"Isn't there a better target?"

I've always considered him a pretentious coke head who is mildly amusing and knows quite a bit about video games.

Roers and Waders.

kOTAKU, as in Otaku as in anime/manga geeks, as in this falls right in that category.

Maybe she should have blurred it, maybe she didn't realize it would be picked up by blogs, then again, maybe she was hoping to be inundated with messages from various and sundry fans, haters, stalkers and pissed off Don McClean fans.