Mark Thoresen

Gorillaz beg to differ

When I read this story yesterday I found it quite inspiring, but am skeptical as to the authenticity of the events recounted. I do not doubt that the people described were customers in her store, just the details with which she chose to relate the occurrence...apologies but it seems embellished, which definitely takes


The claim "#1 Brand in the World*" is explained in the small print at the bottom of the photo.

only game I'm planning on picking up day one this year. Many I'll get after price drops, but SSX will be mine on day one.

I took it as their trainer was in fact Russian, this was in the Siberian Tundra, afterall.

Volt shouldn't have even been listed as it is a full scale vehicle, not a gadget.

Sports teams facing off in an actual competition are a far cry from tech products whose performance has already been measured against the "competition", if it is obvious who will be in the final four, what the fuck is the point of seeding the other products to begin with? This is more akin to WWF than the SuperBowl,

agreed, if it weren't somewhat rigged the 4S would be paired with the Nexus, KindleFire or the iPad2, also willing to bet that those make the final 8 if not the final 4.

No links, but you may want to look into Minolta lenses too as they are mostly compatible with Sony's Alpha is what became of Minolta.

I'd hazard a guess that the individual in shot 31 (Space Jockey Room) is in fact a Space Jockey out of their biomechanical suit, too big to be human as the humans were about a 1:3 scale to the jockey in the original.

It's serving a purpose, I suspect. I probably wouldn't have even read the article if my manbrain hadn't ogled that fine derriere up there and thought perhaps I should click on it. Now I've outed my self as an "assman" but I've also been marginally enlightened about some of the ramifications of anal I hadn't really

You are generalizing and minimizing. I've been a gamer for years and have no issues with it, my son, on the other hand, is a video game addict, games became the focus of his life around the age of 13 or 14, so much so that he was failing out of school, couldn't hold down a part time job and neglecting his social life

To all those below that served and lost that "happy go lucky" attitude, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. satyajit49 called it, the smiles are gone (tried to promote the comment but for some reason it won't let me).

Truth, I have avoided going outside all day because of the cold.

Oh no, it's real it was 60 something just two days ago in NoVa.

No argument there, I spent more time on 3rd person as well, but thoroughly enjoyed playing the bits in 1st that I did.

I absolutely hate FPS games, that being said, this was my second favorite game of 2005 and the only game I kept from the original Xbox even though it wouldn't play on my 360. Will buy this day 1.

My intention was to use Starry Night but when I swapped the colors it made my photo look pretty bad, love what others managed but decided to forgo this one as my entry would not have been up to snuff.

Thank you for the seed to a satirical short story, love the concept of a believer that ruins Christmas, (gonna have to make them step kids as an infant wouldn't notice they got nothing)