Mark Thoresen

Check your calendar.

Does he like to dress well?

"The Firebird X..."

seems you are right, however assuming that she ditched her duties isn't really fair. Looks as if she may have conferred with her associate and following protocol headed down stairs to ensure that the stairs were clear and that no one was coming up.

"Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when I'm angry!"

She was actually the last to leave if you watched the video. She descends at 1:03 after everyone else had been cleared.

Perhaps they hope to have Steve Jobs take the stage briefly and this was done so that he doesn't have far to travel and they can assure him of not being accosted entering or exiting.

A Scanner Darkly begs to differ.

Well said.

Oldschool here, calls win out as much less of an annoyance.

Pretty sure this can be perceptibly done through the use of an "LSD Trip", at least that's been my experience.

It is far from a precedent.

Change "literary" to "publishing" and Mr. Barrett has a very valid point.

I live in the South East and there are ample 7-Elevens here. 7-Eleven has more franchises than McDonald's meaning there are more of them than Walmarts and Walgreens combined. I am sure if this goes beyond the trial stage it will lead to either more 7-Elevens in the Midwest or Amazon partnering with various convenience

Walgreen's are few and far between. Walmart is a direct competitor of Amazon so I don't see them cooperating. 7-Elevens are everywhere.

pssssh, "fuckassery" is a'ight but it aint got nothin' on "heinous fuckery", just sayin'.

so how did they figure out which of the 520 got the single Bluetooth keyboard?

don't go puttin' words in my mouth. All I am saying is Go Pro cameras are great for this method, the quality is more than adequate.

two words, Go Pro.