Just what in the hell does one win for being crowned Miss Tuning? A set of Chrome 20's and a set of "Type R" seat belt pads? A bodykit of her choice? And does she have duties like Miss America? Must she travel to car shows and extol the virtues of NAAAWS and cold-air intakes?
@discontinuuity wonders if there are any f*cking jalops in Colorado:
Is that a Chrysler Aspen!? That's utterly perplexing, but given Montana/Cyrus's (equally perplexing) popularity, maybe it's a good omen? Could the jailbait daughter of an embarrassing redneck save Ma Mopar? If so, I'll have to eventually get a copy of her ghost-written memoirs to put next to Iacocca: An Autobiography.
Definitely crack pipe. But it you browse the dealer's page, you'll see that when he priced the Chevette it must have been a relatively light day of rock smoking for him. At least compared to this.
Looks good, but in today's world of semi-manumatic flappy-paddle dual-clutch DSG gearboxes, a Hurst shifter and logos seem a bit quaint.
Given that even fat old guys in Formula One pull ridiculous-looking tail (see, e.g, Flavio Briatore's wife Elisabetta), I'm somewhat surprised that Hamilton's dating a talentless pop star. Lewis should be running around with women that would cause Tom Brady to go off prematurely. He should step up his game.
It may not be vaporware, but I'm not sure how they're going to make a car this big (and presumably heavy, what with all the doodads and armor) and have it do 0-60 in 6.5 and 155 mph, with "40% better fuel economy" than a Charger or P71. They might pull off the performance, or the fuel economy, but both?
Bully to Ronin, and to fucking Larry Johnson in the eye socket.
BREAKING: ESPN's Chris Mortensen is reporting that Texans Quarterback Sage Rosenfels is currently on a plane...no, check that, a train to New York, supposedly to work out as a potential backup to Brett Favre.