
Will not be buying any of these Star Wars Battlefronts until vehicles are not tied to point accumulation or restricted to specific spawn criteria and events.

Yeah but I can expect Zelda and Mario and etc. I know with every Nintendo console or handheld I’ll get those. But I’m concerned about the third party stuff, the Virtual Console games, the wild cards,

This is the game that’s going to force me to buy a Switch.

This is good, yes. I suppose my statement is a bit too directly combative for their sake, I do genuinely want the game to continue succeeding and improving.

Oh I agree, I loved it at launch as much as I do now. But there are some head scratchy aspects exclusive to this game still. I want it to do good, I’ve bought every season pass to show my support, it’s just disappointing I guess.

I have hundreds of hours in this on PC and it’s easily one of my favorite tactical shooters ever, but man... does Ubi know how to fuck things up.

God damn you, Tim

YES. Came here hoping someone recognized this, fucking stellar.


God, I love the Mitchum Brothers.

Trust me, I feel like I’ve had a PS4 Pro in my shopping cart for over a year now. But I just keep waiting to see if they decide to port to PC :(

Just let me have this dream, ok

Yeah, but... PC? I’d buy em all.

At first, your image wouldn’t load and I assumed you meant Gilbert didn’t care which was a pretty sick way of showing how much LeBron means compared to Kyrie and how one is a way bigger deal than the other ... and then the image loaded.

Poker defense baby

Weird Dreams looks incredible

Hoooo boy

Eh, actually I think we’re coming out of whatever under-achieving funk we’ve been in. This is a game we would have lost a month or so ago. Run should continue, walk-offs do amazing things for teams going through what the Tribe has been — and we just had two in a week.

That’s goddamn right

Oh shit, I could totally see Rick Manning pulling that.