
Snacktaku needs to do a review on this!

Your making my car depressed about its age, poor girl was just born in a confused time!

"It's MY Sexbox, and her name is Sony!"

the one that attracts redheads.

Battle Royale!!!! Kitano is the man!

Yay America

When it crashed it would have been a C-47 as per the 1962 tri-service designation system.

The interior shot looks like a scene from Fallout 3.

See, this is why Sony are the good guys. They listen to what the fans want. Not like Microsoft, those guys didn't change a thing.

They'll find another way to disproportionately arrest black people.

We need a pilot to chime in here. Is it frowned upon to these kind of landings? Is it reckless where you could lose your license?

Now playing

Obligatory "Guren No Yumiya" post for thread with anything Attack on Titan related:

So back in my younger days, I was on a hunting trip with my father and his mate up in northern NSW. We were out for the night spotlighting and we came across a pig in the middle of a cleared wheat field. So my dad's mate take the ute (lifted Hilux) off road and we head full pelt for the pig. It takes off, and we come

South Bronx Paradise!

Aw, I loved Gun. Great atmosphere and voice work.