
Especially for a new IP. They have consistently brought pre-existing IP out on other systems when they have bought a developer that produced that content cross platform. Like Minecraft. Things like Redfall and Starfield can be exclusives - they’re new. If Redfall had been announced for PS5 ever then it would be a



How does KotOR get a pass because “Sony partially funded it” but Redfall doesn’t when Microsoft *wholly* funds it?

Yes but it’s only bitter Sony pedants that think that’s a valid argument.

This happened like 2 years ago, it’s a brand new game that was already in development, and Microsoft *never* said that all Bethesda games would stay cross-platform forever, they said it would be a case by case situation and depend on the economics of it.

$1.99 for one month works for me.

If Sony “just wants to block” the Microsoft merger, as PS’s Jim Ryan put it, then I wouldn’t expect Microsoft to put any effort into providing content for the PS5

And yet you’ll still be able to play it for free day one on Game Pass.

It is funny how that is totally ignored. Even after months of investigations by multiple regulatory bodies. The CMA seems like they were totally unprepared and initially regurgitated the complainants (Sony’s) hyperbolic doomsday scenarios. Maybe they just don’t want to admit it or could be they want to exact control

“It’s not because Sony paid us, definitely not that.  They’re definitely not doing what they’re trying to argue Microsoft would do with Activision games, definitely completely unrelated and not hypocritical.”

g_saberRealisticCombat 1

There’s nothing incompatible between Phil’s statement and Microsoft’s statement though. The latter only says that 12 months after being added to GamePass there’s an unstated percent decline in base sales. If there’s an increase in base sales in, for example, the first three months, then Phil’s statement is also true.

and she celebrates every single time that happens.

Yes. We can always find a way to blame the women when the men behave badly.

I am gonna buy it and then play it while I get an abortion!!!

I think there’s a pretty decent chance that Baratheon’s people sent a raven. It make sit clear that they had nothing to do with the killing of Luke, which is pretty smart because the Blacks could ride in with 3 or 4 dragons and melt the place Aegon I style, even if they planned to throw in with the greens.

Why do they have additional eyes (beyond the standard pair)?

And the response is always “well sure, Xbox is allowed to compete same as Sony, but not in a way that makes me actually want to get an Xbox!”

Granting PS Plus a price victory when you near constantly run ads (on THIS SITE) on how to obtain spectacular deals for Game Pass is so confusing, I can only describe it as a trap to make the article more popular by making it controversial. I’m also confused by the victory awarded to PS Plus in games “Playstation has