
They can. But game freak is among the laziest dev teams currently working.

“Players only remember best games rather than OK games. If it is a best game, players may want a sequel, and they will also want to buy a sequel, but no one really cares about a game that is only OK.”

Considering that every other open world game has adopted witcher style “go here for mandatory fun scenario #14/150” which turns lavish virtual worlds into scenery you watch fly past as fast as possble as you move to the next box you need to tick off your map, you can begrudge us a single example per decade of games tha

The HM thing is literally the only thing not form the original game.

Fade to black.

Actually the genesis lacked a select button. So it had the same number of buttons, just with 3 face button + start instead of 2 face buttons+ start/select. The real legacy of the genesis pad is that it was the first to really take ergonomic into account. The NES controllers were terrible in this regard.

Mario bros was an arcade game where you fought crabs and turtles in the new york sewers. Super mario bros was the sequel on home consoles.

So it’s needlessly complicated, requires real world work to make happen, and completely screws over anyone who sold their ps4 to get their likely heavily overpriced ps5, which seemed like a safe idea at the time due to back compat.

I mean, nintendo IS making this design today. Luke throwing a shitfit about it is the reason this article exists.

And if you had two controllers, you could hold each on one hand in the central prong and have full dual analog in goldeneye/perfect dark (Never had turok or any other shooter so no idea if it worked that way as well.)

iIRC the Z and L button have the same function. I can’t recall a single game that had them as different things.

It’s not a hate boner. It’s a perfectly normal reaction to a person who is both a bad actor and also a notoriously shitty person.

So nintendo, after charging for an online servie that absolutely had no business being behind a paywall, is now trying to find an excuse to charge more?

This is a gratuitously bad take.

I doubt I could eat the amount I want to vomit.

I feel like hoping for rockstar to do the not chuddy thing is a fools errand. Their entire brand of humour has always been mean spirited and shallow ‘parody’.

I don’t think you rememebr the tomb raider reboot that well.

Lara isn’t able to take apart seasoned mercenaries. The enemies in the first game are grungy malnourished cultists who just want to leave the island. And pretty much every major encounter leaves her nursing some new heavy injury. She does go from being

I have to hard disagree with their arguments abot bioshock. They imply the first game is endorsing objectivism. It isn’t. The whole point of the game is that of objectivist society is impossible to maintain and even the strictest adherents to saif philosophy will abandon it when it suits them. There’s only one true

It’s far better in the first game where drake is just a treasure hunter constantly being pursued by pirates. Yeah he’s gunning down dozens of people but they are people actively trying to murder him.

Money hatting a remake of your competitor’s old exclusive? Get fucked sony.