Right! So the only controversy is in the legitimacy of the controversy. How meta.
Right! So the only controversy is in the legitimacy of the controversy. How meta.
Anyone else find it odd that his play style is considered "controversial?" Uncommon, sure. But does picking clues outside the usual top-down method constitute a controversy? If he turns out to be a reanimated corpse controlled remotely by hyperintelligent robot mice then I'll be ready to call it controversial.
Thanks. It doesn't air here for another hour dickhead.
They wasted no time getting to the foreshadowing, but it definitely made for a good opening scene.
Men have also had a disproportionate amount of responsibility. It's not so black and white as modern feminism would like us to believe.
It's because they were -
I miss old DCAU. Young Justice as well.
I'd say it's not Christian religions per se, Muslims are also like that
My FC is 1650-1908-0245
On the same note, that's a flintlock pistol, not matchlock
I was about to say the same thing.
I'm not sure I'm really feelin' your argument, Luke.
Yup, females despite being the physically weaker sex should be made the norm for physical roles.
More like "cash into the pay to play online model".
A law that was passed courtesy of "we need to read the bill in order to see what's in the bill"?
So glad I'm too occupied by Warframe to care about GTA right now, so I can patiently wait for a PC release.
Actually real steampunk is about mechanical function. Just because a bunch of cosplayers don't understand how steam engines or gears work, doesn't mean the definition is changed.
Actually, attention whores seeking to be placed on pedestals get discounted automatically. Women that just happen to enjoy video games and geekly pursuits often go unnoticed and/or accepted as part of the culture simply because they don't make it a primary goal to shove their sex in everyone's face and think it's a…
A big part of the problem with AC3's historical approach was that they were so interested in not showing how fantastic the Founding Fathers were (seriously, any serious student of history can tell you that these were some of the most intelligent political minds gathered together in any one place in history), that they…
the fuck