
Yeah, if only more companies could be original like Sony....who stole the idea for the sixaxis gamepad from a PC gamepad microsoft released in 1998.

Neither of those examples are the No True Scotsman fallacy, though, because in neither of those examples does Person B disprove, contradict, refute, or counter Person A in any way. THAT is why none of your examples are examples of No True Scotsman. Let me try, again, to help you understand this fallacy and how it

Except I haven't made a strawman argument at all. You presented an argument and I countered it exactly as you wrote it. What Person A am I talking about? I'm only talking about the one you gave in your examples that I quoted directly, the one that states his argument as "Games are based on rewarding players for

Your example is still not an example of No True Scotsman, but is now an example of Begging the Question. The very issue being debated between Persons A and B is whether or not Gone Home is a game:

Again, that's not how the No True Scotsman fallacy works. Here, lets break it down, shall we?

My script is a copy of the one you originally posted, simply using the Scotsman/not Scotsman bit to better compare it to the No True Scotsman fallacy. Also, the critics of Gone Home aren't shifting the goalposts at all, they simply disagree on what the defining qualities of a game are. Shifting the goalposts refers to

Your "not really a game" argument isn't an example of No True Scotsman, though. Here's, essentially, your "not really a game" argument:


"...their design doesn't look like something you'd see in a Pixar movie."

I've been wondering the same thing. The first reaction a lot of people had to TF2 when it was first unveiled is that the character design and art style looked a lot like The Incredibles.

It's almost like a PC game-specific offshoot of Rule #34

This reminds me of an article I vaguely recall seeing here on Kotaku about some perceived "misogyny" in Arkham City. Something about how the game was inherently misogynistic because Two-Face's goons call Catwoman a bitch or because she shows cleavage or something like that.

Alternatively, since he's now all about water, sand, and the sun, call the ability "Beach-smack"

They should have given mega swampert an ability that makes it so that intense sunlight doesn't decrease the strength of his water type moves and he gets an attack boost. Call it "Suns out guns out."

This is still my favorite Adventure Time title card

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The whole McGarnagle bit, for anyone interested

What I find even weirder is the constant attention the (more than likely) imaginary "controversy" is getting. In all my general web surfing since this guy first became champ I have yet to see anyone actually complain about his play style but I see post after post of people complaining about people supposedly

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I thought Frozen Heart had kind of a sea shanty-ish vibe to it.