
I'm not saying ALL Destiel fans are crazy. I'm saying the craziest shippers are Destiel. There is a segment (a segment) of that fandom that insist the relationship is canon and get really pissed if you say isn't not actual canon, just slash fic. They insist that Dean really romantically loves Cas and is bi or closeted

People are crazy when it comes to Dean and Cas. CRAZY. I like fan fic. I like the winks the show sometimes gives to shippers. However there are people who insist their relationship is "canon." I can want to charaters to be together but I can't insist my fantasy is canon even if I *think* I have proof.

I'm joking, but divorce sounds like a real "drama queen" response to being called a drama queen.

I was excited at first, but then I heard the songs and I knew I was out. I "panned" it before it came out because I like Annie and the showtunes and I heard the updated autotuned songs and was like, nope. I mean modernize the story to this decade? Fine. Multiracial cast? Yes please. Actors that can't sing? You're

I do remember that. It left enough of an impression on me that when I started hearing about him raping I believed it more because his lack of character. I saw him as hateful and disrespectful.

No. Not all his victims are white.

"Maybe, Baby" gets stuck in my head on the regular.

I can do with the updates and modernization to the story, but auto tune is a bridge too fucking far. I like my show tunes to sound like show tunes. Way to make a classic soundtrack sound like a Glee reject.

Gets up/on to his knees.

This lady has five, FIVE, videos complaining about Bath & Body Works.

Hmm, weird. I thought the engine was a girl. In the version I have and read to my sons she's a "girl"and the 3 other engines who can't or won't help are "boys."

My husband and I took his mother's maiden name as our family name too. However we chose the most vanilla of all the last names in our family.

And yet I've never worked at a restaurant where grazing wasn't done. It no more disgusting than someone at your table taking a fry from you plate or sharing an app, entree, or dessert. No one is mouthing the food and then putting in back on the plate for guest to eat. They are taking it off the plate and eating it.

I always imagine he is good in the sack because he received honeypot training in spy academy. It's not like they were gonna train Huck or Charlie for the task.

Now playing

It's ok. The color palette is all wrong (not enough yellow), and not enough random vintage items. The Marvel bathrobe and electric guitar were practically incongruent with Anderson's aesthetic.

I cannot fathom her getting time off for good behavior. I give her 2 months before she gets into a fight with another inmate.

We called ours WA, for "wait assistant." Also used as a verb, "He's WAing for Gretchen tonight, poor dude."

I too have never heard of "garbage mouthing" for eating dead food.

I've absent mindedly yelled corner taking a right hand turn in a car. I feel you.

When I was going to school to be a physical therapist I worked with a young man that got into a motorcycle accident and was in a coma for 6 months. One of many issues to overcome in the aftermath was a TBI. It made him violent. He would yell mean things to us during therapy sessions, pull hair and spit. He would yell,