
No doubt this guy is an asshole and used shitty language. If he were smart after she said she couldn't send pictures he could have countered with an offer to comp one bottle with a buy 2 for a three hour reservation and negotiated from there.

It would be a bottle of name brand vodka, lol. You get the bottle and mixers like garnishes, juices, and Red Bull. Some times you have to pay for the Red Bull though. The cocktail waitresses will mix the drinks at your table or can do it yourself. It is crazy prices.

Vegas local too. Yeah, almost any girl can get in without cover, but these ladies wanted a free table and bottles. That's a different ball of wax. I've never paid to get into a club the few (very few) times I've gone with friends in town. But I never looked or a free table or bottles.

My husband worked for XS AND Marquee. They aren't comping unattractive tables either. The hot pursuit happens because the promoters need to sell a certain amount of tables per night. SELL, not comp.

Exactly, 15 people is at least a 3 bottle minimum, at $350 a bottle for the cheap stuff that's a pretty fat comp. Essentially comps are paying to fill the tables with attractive people to balance out the "normals" who buy a table. The guy is being an asshole becuse he is not being delicate with the truth: If we are

My eight-year-old is reading it this summer too (!) and we are discussing it. Yeah, when I read it as a kid Peter's freedom seemed totally normal to me, as an adult it is now surprising which is sad. I played outside alone at 4-5, now a days that is unacceptable parenting.

I too am straight up and down (I've even posted on it before). However I know this isn't normal lady proportions because finding pants that fit both my waist and non-existent hips is impossible. So I'm inclined to think hips on women, signified by the waist going in, is normal in representing women. I'll continue to

No. You're correct.

Yeah, I agree. When someone's saying how they pieced something together, even something not as horrific as rape, and they say, "At first, I thought this because of X," as the listener you could respond, "Yeah, that was a reasonable thought, I could see why that explanation seemed viable." You're not disagreeing or

I understand what you're saying. Even if she is being morally shitty, where does it stand legally? For him, surrogacy is the correct analogy because its biologically his, for her adoption is the right analogy because she was going to be the mother to a child that wasn't biologically hers.

You know the idea they taught us as teens; when you sleep with someone you also sleep with whomever they slept with? This was particularly drilled into the AIDS generation that I was raised in.

I'm in. She's the worst.

I get it stuck in my head and I was born in Ohio!

Are you saying, oh how you wish again that you were in Michigan?

Yes chelation, crazy diet restrictions and supplements, blood draws, HBOT therapy, and invasive medical procedures.

LOL, thanks! There are a ton of pro-vax autism family out there, probably at a much higher percentage than anti-vax. The anti-vax just make for more salacious news stories, so they get a louder voice.

I have two sons with autism and anti-vaxxers piss me off for their bullshit propaganda. I have to field questions about vaccines all the time when people find out about my kids. "Should I vaccinate?" Yes! My kids were born this way and will already have to face the challenges of an ignorant world, they don't need to

In fairness, it could have gone like this.

Also, his kids aren't vaccinated.
