Does acupuncture have ways to treat that? Not trolling, actually very interested. I've always been interested in acupuncture, but I can not afford it/not covered by insurance.
Does acupuncture have ways to treat that? Not trolling, actually very interested. I've always been interested in acupuncture, but I can not afford it/not covered by insurance.
Sort of like the Tracy Jordan character on 30 Rock.
Blogs are by definition self-absorbed. We all make comments on Jezebel because we want to be heard by randos. We're all self-absorbed, smug and stupid everytime we throw our opinions onto the internet. Didn't you get that memo?
I'm thinking the "delay potty training" comment was fairly harmless. Some kids show interest very early, but they do not have the ability to actually do it. So they try, and it doesn't work - back to diapers, no prob. My daughter did this at least 10 times. When she was both physically and mentally ready, potty…
On our honeymoon in Italy, we went to two outdoor cafés that had friendly cats. It was so sweet, but it wasn't contrived. It just seemed like hey - cool cafe cat. Honestly, they should have adoption centers spring up in the spring (like those Halloween stores in October) and have kitten cafés. Already have the…
My biggest concern is the clear marketing to kids - bubblegum flavor? Yeah, that's not for the 50 year old trying to quit? That's for the 13 year old hanging around outside 7-11.
If we all just pretend she doesn't exist, will she go away? I do like your last two suggestions re: seat belts/bike helmets. She needs to just go away.
Not when you have permanent pelvic floor damage and can never use a tampon again. Please keep your medical generalizations to yourself. Thanks,
At least these "emerging adults" have parents to move home to. I was lucky eNough to able to move home for two short periods in my 20's. Did it suck at the time? I guess. Was I lucky I had someone willing to help me out? Absolutely.
I really dig your name. Punny.
tbh, only ever seen Fox "News" satirized on The Daily Show, so I'm not sure what the "Friends" are.
tbh, only ever seen Fox "News" satirized on The Daily Show, so I'm not sure what the "Friends" are.
wow. Take a nap. My kid totally got the concept that you don't get married to someone you just met. She's 5. She's now officially smarter about marriage then about a dozen grown women I know. Worth it. And we didn't see the movie until after Xmas so....
I was mesmerized by the curls...totally thought of Nellie!
This whole conversation would totally happen at a diner during the early bird special dinner. Between my grandma and her pals. They wouldn't get what they were talking about, but they would be mad at the feminists. This is actually on a news channel? Wow.
Frozen is a Disney movie and it's for kids. I think the reason so many parents lost their shit over their kids loving it is because it's not about TEENAGE MARRIAGE/LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT/RESCUE FANTASY FUCKERY. MESSAGE - be true to yourself (both girls) don't fall for a guy because he catches you when you fall (Anna),…
"Even being asked hurts: would you ask a gay man if he was sure he was into dudes?"
oh, are you the other person who does this?
Shut. It. Down. I had an ex try this sort of thing, and he stopped when I didn't respond to his private messages. It took a month, but he stopped messaging. I agree with jbird7 - with a little rewording, you can send him that message and then never talk to him again. Also, hide him in your feed, and I think maybe…
I agree. But so many of these articles about hideous, abusive educators start with some sort of vague generalization about "teachers today." It just makes my heart hurt. I know so many decent, ethical teachers. Administrators....that's another story. This case actually sounds like bureaucratic nonsense. I'm…