
Looks like the free accounts are gone.

Article is irrelevant - Facebook will end on Guy Fawkes Day (Nov. 5th)

I'm willing to bet they have a few shoulder held surface-to-air (stinger type) missiles stashed around the city. I have a hard time believing that they installed full blown SAM sites.

I'm willing to bet they have a few shoulder held surface-to-air (stinger type) missiles stashed around the city. I have a hard time believing that they installed full blown SAM sites.

I only made this point because I have been reading Giz on almost a daily basis for over 7 years.. back When Joel Johnson ruled the roost and there was no commenting.

True - bu it was re-posted here.

True.. they do use alluring boob pics to their advantage..

Is it just me or has Giz totally gone off the rails.. postings are now politically biased rants, completely unrelated to technology, and/or just blatant troll pieces. I find myself drifting more and more over to Engadget.

Wouldn't a werewolf have a red dick?

Face-wha? People still use that?

Oh man.. that is so sad.

Don't know about anyone else but I found RM very buggy when using dual monitors.

Serious: this has got to be a fake - real people don't tweet like that do they?

What kind of beer are they drinking? Hope its Molson Canadian!

I don't get it.. but that's ok.

You should have marketed and sold the code.

mmmmm... plasticy taste...


Oh Fuck! I am sooo there... please please please let this happen!

Drop the roach and lick a toad - Save the Environment!