
I know these have been around for a while, but I just got my first Joby and it is fantastic - I love it!

@BazookaJoe: Ok - Big EMP bomb by cruise missile... nice and low and fast... BOOM! Well since its an emp bomb, maybe not Boom.. maybe ZAP!

Bah - one little emp burst and its sayonara sucker...

I know there will be plenty of bashers... but I like having the option of a physically attached keyboard. As long as they can keep it thin and light so holding it in tablet form isn't an issue.

@ursa: I should go before they close down Dofasco.. oddly enough 35 years ago my dad worked there, and I still have a couple relatives who are there right now. Though they are almost retired...

Good thing this guy is rich.. because he sure is ugly...

@ursa: its not as bad now.. but when both steel factories were going nonstop, it stank and the plumes of fire and smoke made me think - 'this must be what Mordor looks like'

Reminds me of home.. Hamilton, Ontario.

@maxijet: second that with a 'disgusting'...

And I could never understand why they have advanced space ships, robots, freaking Death Stars.. and yet their laser guidance systems couldn't lock onto a moving ship? We can do that in this crappy galaxy with rockets and guns...

Wouldn't your arms get tired real fast?

Millions die from the common cold? You mean influenza - right? Isn't there a difference?

Europe is hard to hold....

I have a monorail in my pants. Except my wife won't ride on it anymore!

I should probably get around to watching the first one.

I almost missed that. I use the ssl page.

I wonder if they will embrace the Playbook? I hope Playboy does...

Ohhh.. those Russians!