
Hey folks that want to hate on PS+, we didn't, and most people will not, subscribe to get access to a demo early. It's just a bonus for the people that already subscribe, but there will be a few people who are dedicated MK fans who will use this to jump in. Even if that's the case it still isn't a stupid decision

Dude, the way Rose and the Doctor were separated was absolutely brutal, so it's okay to shed a couple of tears. If Amy goes at the end of the series I will not cry sad tears. I will however rage at the fact that she is not going to be the companion, or at least the tease of it being that way and not actually

I hope the ratings shoot through the roof and Syfy wants to renew only for MGM to say "Fuck off!" because they have an offer lined up somewhere else, like AMC or something. Probably never going to happen, at least like that, but I am praying that they get some sort of pickup for one more season at least.

The only thing that sucks about them adding more handhelds/consoles to the store just means it will take them that much more time to put their own first party titles up. That's just the pessimist in me because of my experience with waiting for games to hit the Wii VC only to be left waiting and waiting.

I am going to wish upon a star that this will be titled Super Mario World 3, and be done in the same vein as the original Super Mario World (or SMB3) because that would be awesome. New Super Mario Bro's is pretty great in it's own right but knocking out a combo of SMB3/SMW in 3D would be excellent.

In what way was Dead Space 2 dumbed down because the game I played was on the same level as it's predecessor in just about every way. Some things were different sure, but it all fit the narrative and introduced some cool shit like zero-G flight. Granted I didn't play the entire game with baited breath like I did the

I'm pretty sure a lot of it has to do with being able to enable piracy on some level or some other such thing like weakening the systems security. I could be totally wrong about that, but they enabled piracy quite easily on the PSOne, and I know they had them for last gen systems, I just don't know the specifics on

I agree with you on this 100%, in fact it's pretty much what I was going to write myself, but just want to add some things to it which you may agree with (or not).

That's great, and I get it, but that's not what they did and that's why they are in trouble. It's one thing to say "Look at what I did, it's possible, now go forth and produce!" it's another altogether to say "Look what I did, it's possible, here's the keys have fun. Oh, and don't do piracy it's bad, even though this

This is going to last long and work out so well for LG....

When a console manufacturer needs to trumpet numbers for public consumption they use shipped numbers, all of them use shipped numbers, whether they own up to it or not because that's the only semi-accurate way they can publicize them. Generally, shipped numbers are an excellent barometer for how a product is doing but

This guy isn't a hero to any but the few and a villain to the many, many individuals who support the industry. He has to be one of the most immature people I have ever read about, and really his pity party is much more pathetic than Geohotz and his raps/money collection. I will agree that I think the action being

You pretty much got your ass handed to you here and really, I am stunned that you are starred with a comment like that. You are making a massive generalization based on what I can only assume is your personal first hand knowledge. As that is the most likely scenario, holy shit dude, you have got to get out more and

Nice rebuttal! Sometimes I wish my wife was more active in the games community so she could go up against asshat guys with severely limited world views. Hopefully after I post this reply it will let me promote your comment, if not, blame it on the redesign, but I will try to get someone else to do it.

See, as a gamer, I would want to play a game where I am racing through a torn cityscape, as the feeling of beating the quake and falling buildings would actually be more therapeutic than traumatic. We'll see what Sony says officially, but given the delay of the original LBP because of an absolutely incredible song and

Here you go:

I'm really rather surprised at the tone of the review, it's not bad but it seems like there is a level of disappointment that may be, I don't know, hasty. Taken as a whole it looks like they decided to go balls to the wall and throw everything they could at it and see what sticks. I really enjoyed Killzone 2 but it

Right because there aren't very many PS3 exclusives this year so players would be totally desperate to play a solid FPS that's exclusive to the PS3. Despite the negative underpinning's of this review, it's still the best looking, and best playing, FPS out there and blows Call of Duty out of the water.

There are better, more mature ways to say what you just did.

Peter Stormare will, at the very least, get me to Hansel and Gretel because he adds an unexplainable layer of awesome to the movies he is in, even if the movie is bad.