
You are vastly overreaching in describing how well FF sold in the West on the Xbox 360 because it did not do extremely well. It sold okay and more than other RPGs have on the system but it still sold far less than it did on the PS3, and it had a great many more discs. vsXIII is no slouch, and it really will make

The PS3, a machine built to play video games and movies, has a Cell. It isn't a personal computer and it isn't, and has never been, marketed as a home computer solution. If he wants to play with the insides and make it do fancy things, that is great, if wants to talk about fancy things that is also great, giving the

I want that poster.

It would for sure, but I don't think that the other nuclear capable countries that aren't from the ME will use their nukes unless there was absolutely no other choice. If a conflict that serious broke out in that region and America and Europe were threatened, it would be safe to assume that any enemy of Islam would be


Massive props need to go to Anna Torv for her acting because the subtle changes to her appearance, the way she carried herself, all of it conveyed a deeper confidence despite her initial fear when she kissed Peter. Olivia seems to be beginning to lighten up and becoming more resolute and to me she appeared more like

That's interesting but there is a total disconnect when doing that with an online game. The person on the other end may or may not be able to see you, or see you very well, and as such can't read your body language or facial expressions. The inability to read someone asking for money before, during, or after

I don't shed tears very often, especially not from reading horrible things like this, but this is so beyond fucked up that it just rolled down my cheek. My oldest son accidentally deleted all kinds of saves on accident when he was younger, but it was part of the process of him learning every function of the PS3 when

The video itself was awesome but the singing, with the exception to Raj rapping, made my frakking ears bleed. It really sounded horrible, surely there's a way to fix the way it sounded!? Regardless, Alessandra made it all better and there's needs to be more of her on my teevee. I had to go back to catch Zarek because

Listening to that made me want to pull my eardrums out, the dialog was shit and if that's what there is to look forward to it's not really hard to see why so many people passed on it. I sincerely hope that they can make it, I don't know, good, instead of what I just watched/heard.

You must have read so many credible reports that you didn't have a chance to read what was written at the start which was:

Mr. Pie! has more about the story down thread, if you are looking for more info he has it down and it's much more clear what was going down...sort of. Either way it's there, thanks Mr. Pie!(!)

Here's an idea: grow the hell up! There is nothing more irritating than a little brat who doesn't understand what a spoiler is. If you do, and read it anyways, then it is your own fault because instead of just hitting page down a couple of times and skipping it, you read it. Saying that two people die in a movie isn't

That is not the point of this at all and the fact that anyone thinks it is is quite ridiculous. The only reason Sony is taking him to court is because he broadcast what he did to the entire world with instructions on how to do it. He can claim all day long that it wasn't for the sake of piracy but he knew with 100$

Scroll down, see gigawings post with video of Sony hologram project, realize troll failed, admit you were wrong and move on to troll another day.

The trillions spent on useless, nonsense wars is a much greater expense that wasn't actually necessary. One day we'll get it right, but a good many more people are going to have to start moving forward instead of backward. It's just so hard to do that when they are so busy leaning to the side...

It might not be Echidna, as it is Tiamat pre-dates her as a mother of monsters, Mother of All, but it's at least between the two of them. Whichever one they go with it will be an interesting rest of the season and hopefully extend into the next season, if they get one, since dispatching her should not be any easier

I filled in the blanks regarding past episodes with online information for a couple of reasons, with the main one being the incredible amount of episodes there are to be watched. Nearly 40 years of television shows is a whole lot of teevee to watch and as interesting as it may be, it is just so hard to look at. I

Maybe there is a better word that could be used....