
@koolykool44: There was something to that effect on the news the other night about a guy and his weight loss program which has people taking ice baths and exercising in freezing weather wearing minimal clothing. It was said that the cold forces your body to go into overdrive to try and keep warm so you burn off more

@RalOberon: Don't fret because if V gets renewed again I will be stunned, but yeah it sucks that a garbage show, despite being on a network, goes on while good shows get cancelled elsewhere.

@Tuba1060: I agree, however the one good thing about not having continues, at least in my case, is being able to play it with my kids and not worrying about them dying quickly and no longer be able to play. It's a blast running through it with my oldest son and my daughter (who's just starting to show interest in

Really nice PSN updates lately and I hope the trend continues for the rest of the console's life because the scant updates piss me off. The last few weeks though, and this one for sure, have been packed with content. The demos and NeoGeo releases this week, combined with the games I got the week before last should

@JuntMonkey: Russell is more of an indie/oscar director than anything else and while I can get behind his vision for the movie somewhat, the possible casting of Mark W. is absurd. I have no problem with him as an actor, as he's generally pretty entertaining, but he cannot convey the subtlties of Drake and nothing will

@wocyob: It's just a matter of time really and I don't think they would have trouble translating the PSP base in Japan into PS3 sales, and it would probably do much better in the West as it would be easier to play online with a group of people.

@dkl415: I think that's actually the way it is supposed to be taken because I have never thought of it as a last ditch attempt to kill anyone but himself seeing as they were pretty far away from one another and he made no attempt to get closer to them as he blew up.

@trunk_monkey_ChimChim: That looks freaking awesome, is that already completed and out because I want to watch it now, right now.

Godaizer looks pretty cool but rough around the edges, so I hope they get smooted out by the time the film is done.

@VincentWacholez: And P.S. Get in on Google while it's really, really cheap.

@effoffpunk: I remember when TLC had actual programming that was you know, geared toward learning, and it makes me sad that the channel has fallen as far as it has from that time. Of course there's a variety of channels that have learning based programming but many people may not get those channels.

@hopskipper: I think that's ultimately why they cast him because he really was great as Blob, but this is a fully articulated creature and it just does not work at all. Maybe seeing the whole movie will change that however unlikely that actually is.

@pinshot: But if they did that they would have to actual take a position on which console they want to develop for, one only or both, and stop making handheld remakes and re-releases. If Wada could actually focus that company into the finely tuned intstrument it used to be it would be great and everyone would be

Looks great, but for whatever reason I cannot, and likely will not, get used to Rogen's voice for the alien. I dig his work, most of it anyways, but his voice doesn't seem to fit well with the alien or the rest of the cast.

So this time next year we will be reading about Syfy no longer being a network for science fiction. If they can't find a way to keep one of their most dependable series on the air then they probably won't survive.

@IcedInferno: The end to that story and the image of that lone ten dollar bill floating in the air will stay with me forever.

@xxnike629xx: While I agree with almost everything you wrote, I wouldn't want them to, not that they ever would, retire Final Fantasy. The entire problem of SE, at least from what I can tell, is their focus is totally disjointed and they think quick cash-in's for re-releases and/or remakes on handhelds is where the

@sweetbeans: Slate has a widget that can tell you if your account was compromised, the link to it should be in the lifehacker FAQ on this whole ordeal.

I finally got back in 3 password resets later and four days of wishing I could comment but could not. Glad I'm back on though, there's an odd comfort to it.

@Erasmus 'Joe' Trail: I was thinking more along the lines of a new Jak because that game, with the skillset gained from doing Uncharted and making that game unbelievable, would just tickle me in all the right places.