
Added to my Amazon wish list just now. The book sounds amazing, cannot wait to read it.

I would say that's a pretty great story.

If Ginn/Dr. Perry ends up dead I'm gonna be kinda pissed. Ripping shit away from Eli so often is just ridiculous at this point and letting Simeon do it without any sort of guard evasion/hostage situation, or something, just make the potential death that less impactful to the viewer.

@Azel: I like LoT better also. I don't let them make a purchase decision for me but they are interesting enough to read and they don't come off so elitist in their breakdowns.

Be careful out there people, the Googler is watching you....

@Skaag51: Look for Kinect because Kinetic came out some time ago for the Eyetoy/PS2.

@Str8 Jonesin: I do like Adventure Time better but Regular show is at least funnier than most, even when it's not trying that hard.

@Frank Abraham: Hearted for having the most awesome name of all names in your name: Abraham.

Love Adventure Time, one of the funniest shows to come on CN in a while. Regular Show isn't too shabby either, but AT takes the crown on this one.

So it's not floor space you should be worried about it's ceiling height and player on player violence. Some of those were pretty damn funny though, but I think the Kinect was punishing the girl in vid 4 for not playing enthusiastically.

@Jezuz: I can see it happening for sure but they would have competition from Sony in that arena, a lot more, as you can expect Sony to be working on a new/modified Eye already and some of that tech will be for future implementation in their TV's, BD players, Vaio's, etc. Given the push for 3D it's not outside the

@Snufkin: I'm sure that wouldn't have been the case if they ended up with it and used it in Macs, especially given the premium price of Mac computers.

I am just waiting for the day that news comes along of an overzealous person who could no longer contain their sprinting to one spot and runs full force into their TV.

@dowingba: It would almost be worth the drive but if you have friends in the states you should just have them send you some because hot or cold that is one of the best chicken sandwiches you will ever eat.

I cannot wait to see this, in fact I think I am more excited to see it than my son is.

That's an excellent idea and if someone were to dismiss the game because of an ad running in a chick mag they are proably too infantile to enjoy the game for what it is.

@gareth72: Probably only one so he would have to go to the Replicator homeworld and steal a bunch.

They should do something with the console versions to recoup the loss they are going to take on it. Forget about packaging it and just sell it on the PSN/XBLM/Wii Store for $30 and call it a day.

@Rinaldus: An RPG from him would make the wait to play a GT game seem like they were released back to back. Maybe if he started working on it now it would be done around the end of the PS4's cycle, but it would probably be so fucking beautiful our human eyes would have to be upgraded to be able to actually appreciate