
How cold is cold? I go to University in northern Sweden, and a few days we've had just below -30C, no one said a thing about it. Just deal with it.

Then I am curious aswell, is attendance mandatory for every class? Here it works so that I have to attend some mandatory classes like laboratory or similar, and I have

Oh, Hearts of Iron IV!!!!
Yes! I played a lot of HoI3, got into the game series just before the release of 3, but quickly changed and never looked back!

SEGA sounds pretty similar to Saga too. Maybe should get at SEGA too.

(It's sad I feel the need to point out it's not meant seriously)

Before 1.5 years ago when I switched to Windows Phone I used an app called Screenfilter for this. Could not live without it. Ever since my switch to Windows that is the one thing I have been missing the most. But I do really like Nokia, and unfortunately they use Windows.

Sorry if I go slightly of the "Getting back up on the horse"-attitude, but are there any info yet on which platforms this will run on?

PC, or consoles, or both?

It would be more interesting to see where all the money goes.
Some of these sums are ridiculously high. What does that kind of money get you?

Like I saw that "Scarface: The World is Yours" had $2.5 million for sound only. It was nothing extraordinary from what I remember, so where did the money go to for example? And

God, I have never seen a video that makes me feel so ill so quickly. That spinning gif at the top, took two seconds for me to feel a little nauseaus.

I had this problem with milk products moving to Singapore from Sweden this summer.
Now I'm back in Sweden again for a while, so now all is fine. But I'll move back to
Asia soon again.

In Sweden you go to the store and you have milk:
Light 0.5% fat. Regular 1.5% fat and you have Fat 3% fat.
3 options. Same nationwide.

I was thinking, I think it can work if you make a few things certain.
By just having factions with their own home planet and some colonies, you have elminated a lot of the problems I see with procedural generation. Then you can make a good story, as long as a mission doesn't rely on the environment too much it will be

Xbox One Pays $735 For Picture Of A Teenager

Disregard this post. I screwed up.

Please make it on the PC and mod-friendly.
I see this as a great starting place for a Doctor Who-game.
Add a Tardis, some Daleks and a sonic screwdriver.
Remove some of the space combat and you got a Doctor Who game.

Sometimes I am so sad I lost my Skyrim save file in a hard drive crash last winter.
Could never be bothered to restart and redo everything, and it doesn't feel the same to have lost my original character. When something like this shows up, it is a little bit more sad.

1500 USD. 1/3 is support from the government for studying Rest is loan from a government department because I'm studying. That's how it works here. Money comes 9 out of 12 months.

Ever since I one year ago got into a long distance relationship (Sweden-Singapore) I have realized I don't need things at all to be happy. Before I got together with her I spent 1300 dollars every month, put away 200 every month. (I'm a student, monthly income is 1500). I treated myself very well.

Then she came into my

I started it, and I played for a few hours. Then I stopped totally and I'm not starting until there's plenty of mods to make it good or a miracle that makes it good.
I can look past that the graphics are a bit dated, ah let me just make it to a list.

-"Woah station interiors", it's fun until you realize EVERY

I've gone through a few names since I started using the internet, (UltraSquirr3l => The Ultra => Make.Sense) from very silly names when I was a yound kid and wanted to be cool, then I did a more neutral version of my kid nickname, and then I wanted an even more neutral toned down name. So that's what I have now.


Tips for saving money on groceries? I'm a student and I'm also maintaining a (very) long distance relationship. So I have to keep a budget.
My current strategy for saving money is on food by simply buying less and getting the cheapest brands available. (often the store's own brand), and giving myself weekly allowance.


If you have everything you need but just lack the equipment there might be some filming clubs willing to lend out a camera. 2 years ago I did a travel documentary about Chernobyl (Footprints of Disaster, is on YouTube) with a few friends. We did not have a proper camera for that, but a hobby filming club in town let