
Reddit: 4chan with a condom.

I want you to commit battery. FTFY

Fuckthealtright is still online so this is all meaningless.

You misspelled illegal.

So a “Dreamer” discovers aliens are real. Got it.

Sure their is.

All countries are in their own way.

It’s good to know that not a damn thing with watching is coming in October.

Liked every time you leave LA for a year?

You know what else gets you SSSS? When the TSA agent at LAX doesn’t communicate what they want you to do and then gets pissy that you didn’t do it, therefore they write SSSS on your boating passes. It took a year for that to go away for me.

California’s first week of September heat a had been hot than normal. Where I am is supposed to be about 8 degrees cooler. And it’s miserable without AC.

That’s LAPD, not LA county sheriffs

I must be getting old. I remember when Gizmodo was a tech blog.

So Google Fiber got treated the same way Google treats everything else it touches. And you’re somehow surprised by this. I bet Google, excuse me Alphabet, sells of fiber in give years. Particularly if we get”net neutrality”.

I once tried to report a problem with Google maps. I got a response that I was wrong, despite living next to the place I was correcting.

Ego is Jen Hatmaker? In pretty sure the only evangelical who consider her a leader is herself.

Maybe wet babe for you able to leave your politics at home?

Done fellating the previous yapping dog?

If RES works for you on edge. It hasn’t for me in months.

It’s always an idiot in a Toyota.