
This article was a little too ‘Californian cult of the self’ for my tastes. Getting rejected is neither inherently good nor bad. It’s just something that many people have to deal with if they feel like getting into relationships.

Females everywhere thank you for avoiding future relationships.

I KNOW. I guess I feel better knowing this experience is pretty common. Except in my case, I KNEW better. I knew he was leaving for NY when we started dating and that it wouldn’t come to anything. And I still let myself fall face first in love with him. I guess I’d hoped something would happen and he’d stay or that

The other side of this is that sometimes you have to be the one to pull the rug out from under the other person. Equally traumatic, equally painful, equally necessary.

I am an over-50 feminist. I remember when getting the world to understand that sex work and pornography was deeply harmful to women was a major goal for feminists. I still very, very strongly believe this. I also believe that sex workers should be treated with dignity and respect and not shamed. Of course, sex workers

Honestly, if I were advertising sex in windows, it’d probably look less like this (I’d wish/think it’d look like that):

Nope. Seeing people have fun together and doing what they, presumably, love. Can't hate. And it was well done.

Am I the only one who loves this and thinks it's great?

You know when you hate someone for doing something cute, then hate them even more for showing you what a bad person you are for hating people for doing cute things?

I feel poor just watching that shit

I watched this without sound because I'm at work and my biggest take-away is that the video is kind of annoying but these people are super hot and I would have sex with either/both/all of them.

I thought that was rad-except for the wierd starburst diamond scripty shit at the end. They should have done a regular credits roll and it would have been awesome.

It's complicated. When people tell me I'm pretty, I'm like 'Pff, I am average. Maybe even above average if I've had a good night's sleep. But I'm not all that, by a long shot'. And then sometimes I'll take a photo of myself and be all 'wtf photo, I am looking much cuter than that today! RECOGNISE MY CUTENESS'

Yeah, that is what I figured you were getting at. I was talking about the comments that target his bone structure or eyebrows or whatever.

He has the safe, baby-faced look that appeals to young teen and tween girls. He is adorable without being very sexual, which is what always gets the pubescent ladies going. Like Justin Bieber or JTT.

I have joyfully sung about Golden Showers, Jesus' lack of friends and whole hands, supporting hookers, Yogi Bear, how we could be masturbating.... I can't say that it indicated any intention to actually work in Chicago at a department store, hate on Jesus, or touch myself while someone was chugging a beer.

I played rugby in college, and while we never sang this song, we sang others that were equally as filthy. And I totally agree with you. Playing rugby as a woman really made me accept and love my body, and helped me to come into my own. And singing those songs and playing such a rough sport made me realize that I can

Oh boy.

I was seeing one of my longtime best guy friends (whom I'd kissed a couple times over the course of our friendship, but had just started, like, being with in any more significant capacity). He told me that he loved me quickly. The whole thing was very intense. I'd been hearing rumors from mutual friends that he was