
Now that's something I'd actually want.

I love it how one of the dialogue screens has just the words "for world domination"

I'll just be happy when they make a title that includes 6DOF headtracking and Twomote.

Reggie: "That's why they call me the Reginator."

Also, close up, that door-lookin-thing on the bottom doesn't look like an extension port anymore.

They were right. The critical component the Wii was a gyroscope.

OH YEAH! YES! Finally we get one-to-one! People can't just say it's a pipe-dream anymore.

I find it highly disappointing that the majority of people's responses have been complaints that such technology wasn't implemented at the Wii's initial release and people whining that it's yet another accessory you have to buy.

Maybe it's just me, but isn't this a big hint from Nintendo that Twomote (Two Wiimote) Style is about to be introduced?

Let's assume for a moment that that little door-looking thing is not a passthrough for the nunchuck.

Still too rich for my blood.

Don't NoK it.


Why don't they just do the honest thing and have a press conference where the guy gets up there, and simply says "Uh... Oops."

What?!?!? No Kefka? No SA-X? (from Metroid Fusion) No Mother-of-All-Cyborgs? (from Marathon)