Both means 龍, just different ways of writing it.
I’ve seen them used in Japanese many times in the past. But most of them are unified today.
Both means 龍, just different ways of writing it.
I’ve seen them used in Japanese many times in the past. But most of them are unified today.
Well... I beat my friend in the Mario Kart 64 Banshee Boardwalk track with my feet. So it’s not that hard to believe.
Anything about NX?
Good ____ you got there, Atlanta.
Yes and No. Kanji literally means Chinese, or Chinese letters. Althought, not all things were interpreted in the same way. Sometimes when things were written in an illogical sense, you have to check the source for reference.
You know, even Japanese make mistake sometimes. ;)
Yes and No. Kanji literally means Chinese, or Chinese letters. Althought, not all things were interpreted in the same way. Sometimes when things were written in an illogical sense, you have to check the source for reference.
You know, even Japanese make mistake sometimes. ;)
Demons Souls is a homage to King’s Field.
I just hope one day I can get HK PSN cards/codes for a more reasonable price.
They were the Konami. Konami is just 10 years too late to the party.
I really like this song too! It gave me some strong 90’s vibe.
Fucking A! Would be even better if it’s in higher res.
Now, Shantae please!
DLC Character please!
More like American Pie + Prison Break.
And don’t forget the Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem!