
All I can say is Gearbox Software can suck my hairy balls next time for any of their future releases. :(

Unless it provide services like Steam and Steam Sales otherwise no.

Problem is Japanese PSN don't accept my credit card.

Was kinda expected that.....well, at least I only payed $37.

Oh, Enix is doing well on their games, it is Square that keeps fucking up.

Good luck finding true Asian woman on a American English dating site lol.

There were many RuriRuri posters stolen back in the day.

I wouldn't be so sure about that...

I'm with you here. For Science!

This is how he smiles. ;)

Next stop, Space Pirates!

I wander what will happen if someone tries to make a Ninja Scrolls game.

It made me felt sad too. Not only felt bad for the guy but also felt bad for the humanity.

TBH, I've seen better bots for MMO. Tricking other people and make them thing they are talking to a person isn't really that hard if you put enough effort in to it.

I think this article might be more fitting to the sister site.

"Feet are just for show. The higher ups just don't get it" U.C.0079 ;)

I guess that wouldn't make sense if Okabe speak perfect English in the first place. XD

If you google that image you should know which game I was referring to.

I was referring to Resident Evil and Lost Planet...those games only fun when playing in Co-Op.

Well ok...some of the not so recent recent games then...