
I tried (for the second time) to get a refund for brink, I haven’t heard anything back yet, but I’m not exactly holding my breath, I bought it on release night, tried for 2 1/2 hours to get the damned thing to where I could play with buddies (which of course we couldn’t) and haven’t touched it since that day 4 years

on azmo, spam your w and d whenever in lane, I know it’s tempting to just wait for the q cooldown and poke folk from afar however your demon warriors and lieutenants help push lanes while you’re way away, W is also good if you aim it behind you quick while running from enemy heroes for a few reasons, first cast time

console peasant, you’ll appreciate superiority someday.

I think it’s just people concerned about it being abused against it’s spirit, which is a valid concern, but I think they just need to see it for what it is, an argument ender with those they feel have pushed the envelope too far with their abuse. they can just point at the clause in the EULA and show the asshat the

you need to be able to play as Jar Jar and have all of his quotes happen whenever you shoot whatever gungan shenanigans they decide to saddle him with to watch people rage quit out of games. it would be glorious!

eh he has some legitimate bones to pick about militant cultural saturation in japan, and we are pretty unapologetic for two of (some) of the greatest losses of life in the history of the world, I mean when you think about it, in minutes 50,000 men women and children were gone, and as a whole we never batted an

I for one think it's a good thing, too many parents just let their kids run rampant and let the video game do the raising rather than engaging with their kid. this is probably going to be one of the situations where it's only called in where there's other signs (I mean sure there'll be assholes and exceptions to

either way it looks like a beretta m9 so nothing of value was lost even if it was real.

so that's how tactical bacon is made......I never knew

me and 3 other buddies all created orc deathknights that looked exactly the same, then we named them Àsshat, Ásshat, Âsshat, and Ãsshat, respectively. I was frost (when that was the tanking spec, then the other three were a mix of blood and unholy. we queued for dungeons together (where we'd only need a healer)

the library is actually my favorite, creepy, dark, and arseloads of enemies.

I always got it as far as the invis elite with the sword, there's those tunnel door thingers and there is no way to fit the warthogs fatass through that, the hunters aren't too hard to get it past, I think you just gotta plasma nade the wheel up and you'll be good, or a rocket in the arse of the warthog works well too.

the same could be said of anyone who plays world of warcraft, if they consider it to be a waste of time. he obviously didn't otherwise he wouldn't have ground his way to level 100. he wants the privilege to be the only character in the world who's level 100 without choosing a faction. in some ways it's better than

I think the superman/wonder woman love thing just got more interesting, I mean think of it if he can't control it? just let that steep for a minute and make sure your mind's in the gutter and you'll get what I'm saying.

you don't beat a toddler when he's learning to potty train and he has an accident, the precedent is the same in that it's a way to ease into the game, learn the maps and the mechanics without being thrown straight to the wolves, granted there is merit in tossing em in and seeing if they float (see counterstrike 1.6)

You know I have to say, over time origin has grown on me, I mean sure when it first came out it was cringeworthy, but the on the house feature is nice (they've had some neat games and hey free is free) and they've polished most of the issues out of the system. and overall I have to say that EA's phone support for PC

No what he does is actually takes candy out of children's bags unwraps them slowly, licks their favorite and hands it to them whilst smiling "Vex encryption. Unbreakable? Ha, so they say."

Edit: was meant in reply to paperscissors

Am i the only one who thinks we need more scottish female leads in video games, I think it would be awesome.

yeah you just get stabbed or beaten. if someone wants to steal your shit they've been doing it for thousands of years before guns ever came along. and in my opinions I'd rather die by gunshot than stabbed a few times or having my skull caved in by a baseball bat....

I always advocate AV software like a bulletproof vest, sure it won't save you every time especially if someone takes their time with the attack, but would you really wanna walk into a firefight without one?