
My first vehicle was a 1988 Toyota Land Cruiser (this was back in 2000). The only reason I gave that vehicle up was because it was becoming to expensive to get the parts (which were still being made, just only in Japan). From my experience, Toyota makes a good vehicle so I can’t say I’m surprised this truck is doing

I never knew I needed a fire kitty until this day...

Relating to the labor thing, I remember when my wife and I went in for her to be induced (our son was a couple days late by this time) the doctors were getting her hooked up to machines and asked her “So how are your contractions feeling right now?”
The two of us looked at the doctor confused, which she immediately

That’s my thought. I would love to see a modern system with wood panels.

She was named after a battleship if I remember correctly. But more appropriately she spends most of her time suspended in a liquid solution and wrote/spoke a poem that mentioned water If I remember correctly.

I seem to remember the PC version having animated (and live action I think?) cutscenes as well as voice acting that the N64 version did not have. Is that the version that’s been ported here?

Wasn’t Constance something that was originaly in the Disny Land Paris version of the ride?

Thank you Mr. The Duck fir speaking the truth. I take back the comments I made about your movie.

No! It came out just a year or so ago right? It can’t have been ten years! If that’s true.....if that’s true...that means I’m...I’m.... OOOOOOOLD! GAAAAAAAH!

Got excited for a moment when it looked like the mock up was a modified old Landcruiser (my first car was an ‘88 Landcruiser and I loved it).

Same here.

What Saga won’t!

Same here. I’ve gone through enough toy shortages and scalper raids to know that a set up like “one and done” basically means I wont actually get any of this with out spending stupid amounts of money on ebay.
Example: Hasbro released two figures for their Combiner Wars line as online exclusives. They sold out in

Don’t videogame companies usally keep production going on their previous system for at least a year or two into the prodution of their current? Sony didn’t shut down PS3 production as soon as the PS4 was announced, and the Wii was still being produced in one form or another well into the life of the WiiU.

Just watch the show again. Bound to cheer ya up.

Sounds a lot more plausable than a contract that gives him money forever basically. Thanks for setting me straight! Do you have a link to one of the interviews?

I would probably break my DC boycott for this. It looks like too much fun.

I’ve heard he actually gets money anytime ANYONE besides him plays Harvy Dent and/or Two Face. Meaning the Dark Knight series and the video games cause him to get a nice little check.

You’re right. Made the scene all the more hilarious.