
Yey dis/continuity?

Good to know. I was starting to wonder if I had just imagined that odd storyline.

Wasn’t there something about Bruce Batman becoming a god recently? Or was that some sort of modern elseworlds thing?

Now I’m sad again.....

2020 you say?

And now I’m sad again...

Awesome. They must have actually added that to the game (most of these updates are just on the disk and are being unlocked). My three year old son has been listening to the sound track someone created by data mineing the music out of the game and I honestly don’t remember hearing that one anywhere on it.

In the bucket video, is that new music I’m hearing during the actual fight, or was that added in by Kotaku?

Enjoy the sillyness?

*through laughs* What the hell did I just watch?

The next Kamen Rider series is Kamen Rider Ghost actually!

Because in a world filled with random killings, terrorist attacks, and politcians being politicians, it’s nice to have something sweet and innoccent as imaginary electric mice dancing to a cute tune that my 3 year old son will enjoy. THAT is why.

While watching the posted scene from Patlabor II I couldn’t help but think of that exact scene from Ghost in the Shell. Thank you for posting it!

Smallville used that too in the last couple seasons if I remember correctly.

I’d be very intersted to see how they do it with out Iwata... I’m sad again.

I may not have played the games much, but I have ALLWAYS loved the music. Back when Grooveshark was around I had a playlist set up with all of the sound tracks, even for the “not good” games. Even if the games were bad, the music was still awesome (last game aside I guess)


“All these points belong to you. Except Europa, atempt no wins their”?

Pretty much. I think the managa I mentioned even made that parallel (or maybe I just read that somewhere else too?). I don’t think it’s legally out in English speaking countries, but I want to say Manga Fox was where I found it before.

Cool. And I think I recognize the first color scheme you posted as being the RX-78-3 right?