If you haven’t been following Destiny news, you’re in for a fun surprise come November 10...
If you haven’t been following Destiny news, you’re in for a fun surprise come November 10...
The lie is a cake!
Is there some way they can both lose?
Fuck the CCP
I’ve never nor will I ever play Eve Online, but I absolutely love it. I read articles about it, watch videos explaining what it’s about and what’s happening, all with a childlike glee that one would expect from a 2yo if you read him a Jack Kerouac novel: I have no idea what is going on, and most the words make no…
Wrong, don’t update them. This is Death Stranding in its purest form, the way it was always meant to be played.
Bethesda’s already beaten up that franchise harder than Smash ever could
Knew it’d be Min Min, but I’m not gonna lie. I was hoping for a Hero situation where we had multiple alternate costumes. My picks were Ninjara, Ribbon Girl, Misango, and Min Min. Also slightly disappointed the other ARMS fighters aren’t in the stands.
What did Jason do?
Most significant thing to come out of this so far is that they have plans for Destiny 2 through 2022. No entirely new base game until at least 2023.
For the FOMO folks, there is a piece of the tower near Zvala that was damaged during the event. Inspect it for a limited time emblem for the event.
Can’t play PlayStation handheld ;)
Says the guy complaining about an article on a video game website.
Hell, even if it was a real gun, she’s a Storm Trooper, it’s not like she would have hit anything.
Just buy it on Uplay.