
Couple of things:

I can't wait to get my hands on an Oculus Rift chicken simulator!

How I adore you PC mod community.

It's amazing aside from one toddler, the rest don't seem to mind at all

Brilliant. That post gets the official:


My reddit client on my phone april-fools-crashed this morning, faking a complete system corruption. I didn't expect it, so I was genuine surprised. For a moment.
10 minutes later the app crashed for real because I was browsing too fast.

You say that like it's a bad thing.

5760 x 1080 across 3, 42 inch screens. Not me, but just highlighting a high end goat experience.

You consolers may have your Halo, your Super Mario and your Uncharted.

No need to fear. I'll solve this puzzle.

They smell like fries!

I am probably in the minority here, but I greatly enjoyed playing as the Arbiter.

For me, it's like songs. I can love a song, but eventually, if it's overdone, I get a bit tired of it.

What, are you mad that your brand-new $500 purchase can't render a game better than my 4 year old PC? Hell, I could upgrade right now for $300-400 and lob a new graphics card in there, and I'll be right up there at ultra for another long, long time.

Maybe this will get some people to realize how and why consoles hold back gaming so badly.

But, I mean, this is comparing PC to PS4.

This one kills me