
Hey...I'm just looking for my hair brush... No need to get violent.

This here is VeggieTale turf. Stay Out.

Now playing

It's like those Verizon commercials that have been popping up lately.

I still encounter my favorite childhood toy on a regular basis.

Ah, Next Gen. Even more gray, brown, gritty, and depressing.

That...was actually very good.

Because Portal 2, CS:GO, DOTA 2, Alien Swarm and L4D2 don't count, right?

While I agree that is good, I wouldn't go so far as to call them "Good Guy EA", now if they just let Steam handle the games, then I would!
(If Origin had came out first, rather than Steam, my opinion would be flipped. I just want one universal place for games, not 3)

It's Words with Friends!

I predict PC gaming will spread even more, and we'll get a lot more awesome games that aren't limited by 10 buttons, and routinely go on sale for 90% off.

steam down for hours now. can't play anything, can't buy flash sales...

Pacific Rim? Worst?

Great breakdown, professor.

"I LOVE Zelda. There's a part of me that's Zelda. No, I'm serious!"

Because we all know Zynga knows what the hell to do.
