
I don't want to start this argument off but... Yeah... Me too... We're pretty fucking awesome aren't we XD

Like... thirty PC games, so, um... $10 or $15?


Me as as well.

Republic commando would also be a good choice.

The only thing that stops a bad guy with a dance pad, is a good guy with a dance pad.

I had no idea that was a thing.

Obligatory PC Master Race.

Oh, so you're not buying your PS4 anymore and are donating your 400 bucks to charity? Otherwise, what you do with it isn't benefitting anyone anymore than the person in the video.

so a handful of development pics are all it takes for you to completely dismiss this game? i call shenanigans.

Have you tried Chrome?


... Great! $100 extra to scan QR codes! ... Wait, can't my smartphone already do this? Why would I need Kinect if this can be integrated into SmartGlass?

Blockbuster still exist?

What a weird assumption to make.

I honestly thought this was a CGI pic at first.


Me during that whole trailer. This does look fantastic in a very goofy way.

Is it really "changing" multiplayer games in general when PC games had most of these features since the late 90s?