
Resource wars here we come! Can’t wait to read about it.

Was easily my favorite cartoon as a kid. Cheetor being my favorite of that era.

I gotta spoil this for you all, but almost everyone dies.

You guys should do a PC launch line up.

I can be anything!
Take a look
It’s in a book
Reading rainbow!

You did it, you finished the tutorial! Just a heads up, you can go back and change up how your Op looks anytime you want. You can also change them up a lot if you so wish. Like here is mine presently. Big agree the character creator could be better but if you mess with it long enough you can make some decent looking

You finished the tutorial, and got to character creation! Wooo!

While it don’t find it at all surprising that we are not playing as the inquisitor again, none of the other games allowed you to play as the old pc again, why would the next one? The devs have even said before that the games are not about the particular character you play as but about Thedas as a whole. What does surpr

Well time to really start hitting the two exotics that will be going away then, perfect paradox and whisper. I play the game solo which means I solo those dungeons. I’ve gotten to the final boss fight many times but never with enough time. Time to perfect my loadouts and get those guns.

Played it for a very short time. Joined a small clan, I know they aren’t called clans but can’t remember this games name for it, made by a guy in college who convinced some teacher that running the clan would be good for some project he was working on. All of the players in the clan were all quite new to the game,

Saw this coming. As soon as I heard what was going on with TikTok I kind of guessed this was gonna happen soon. One of my favorite games, Warframe, is pretty much being bought out by Tencent at this point.

When I was in college I remember at times when I wrote papers and would stop writing for a moment to think of what to say next. When I started writing again I had a different thought and basically started a new sentence before I even fished the last one. I would read though my paper and find this abrupt break in the

Don’t forget you can trade Warframe prime parts and mods for platinum at Maroo’s Bazaar. So yo can get platinum by simply playing the game and don’t have to actually buy any of it. You can also just straight up trade players prime parts and mods for the parts and mods you want.

If I really like the game’s combat system I will. If not I’ll leave it on normal. I do start most games on the normal setting though. Only after I beat once on normal do I ever play it at a higher level of difficulty. Some games I only play at higher levels like: Mass Effect, Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3. With

200 huh,so you have beaten the tutorial, nice work.

Ok so about a month ago we got the news that Cyberpunk was pushed back to November. I was ok with this, one reason being was that it and Beyond light were releasing within days of each other and there was no way I was going to finish cyberpunk by the time it was out. Now we are back to that problem. But also take your

As a one of the biggest fans of Artificers in D&D I approve of using guns in fantasy settings.

Been thinking the same thing.

Well now my September will not be so crammed. Had the D2 Expac coming out just days after this, was not going to be enough time to play through it before the D2 expac came out. Now there is no more issues!

Well best of luck to CDPR team hope they get those bugs ironed out with the extra time

Been using all the mods you just spoke of for my replay through. With the added caveat that I threw in the Asari Ryder mod. Which has been interesting, at times it doesn’t work, because well you are still technically a human, but it kind of makes me want a game that allows us to RP as the other races not just use them