Thanks. Yeah I saw the tire but the connection has been spotty for me.
Thanks. Yeah I saw the tire but the connection has been spotty for me.
I think I missed something....anyone know what happened to the #4 Bykolles car?
Somewhere there is a worst case scenario spreadsheet that says the navy needs X number of ships operating minimum at any one given time. Then it goes on to factor in how many might be in for repairs or refitting or maintenance and from that a margin of safety is established which then someone said, “double that just…
“... because there are some idiots who initially give consent but then want to change their minds...” I think some personal issues might have leaked into your response.
Two pages of inoffensive material! WTF! That is unprofessional as hell! Why doesn’t the CEO send out a bro email about fucking some office sluts? An employee handbook...ha, bet its full of snooze things like rights and responsibilities and stuff. Your place of work sounds like a real drag.
Loud cars saves lives!
There is nothing revolting about two people in a committed relationship being affectionate....wait...which one is the wife again? Is it the one doesn’t wait for or the one that slaps his hand away....oh blond one daughter, other one wife. Damn it’s confusing going only by social behaviors.
Hopefully you get it by now and saw it was basically a playground. That takes all the weight from the piece. It would be like taking a piece made up of mattresses meaning to be about sex trafficking and having it used as a bumper car ride.
Except it was being used as basically a playground which removes any weight the piece might have intended to carry.
That does add a different dimension to it and quite changes the pieces interaction. Thanks.
You are taking a very narrow definition of “wipe out.” I guess whatever helps you sleep at night.
“200 mph, and no stops, that’s going to be a 27 hour trip.” 27 hours? You can almost drive it that fast. ...but really how’d you come up with 27 hours? At 200 nonstop it would be like 13-14 hours.
So what you are saying is, if things are easy enough, nobody will cheat...and if they are cheating it is a sign that things are too difficult...
Mexico? Does trump know we are sending them cars which they then use to just drive over here in. No wonder so many millions were able to vote illegally. Obama gave Mexico US cars! I bet the media will never report this!
You know that’s just bunk right?
Trump obviously lives in his own version of the past. A simpler time when German things were all in Germany and American things were all in America. And now all he knows is American companies all left America but nothing else has ever moved anywhere else.
But again, and sticking with your emergency vehicle example, if an ambulance rear ended you, no about of music would block that out, you’d feel it. It’s not about hearing, it’s about, oh shit wtf just hit the car.
But the question now is, do we have to let him back in...? I can’t really see why we’d have to. He can tweet and golf from nearly anywhere. It’s going to be a half filled positions in fighting disfunctional government anyway, regardless if he is here or not...
Bring back the malaise era... no doubt part of the “again” in his slogan.
No spinning is really required. Trump pretty much shits on himself with his 24 word vocabulary, Columbus view of the world and nearly nonexistent knowledge of the US.