The start of Steve Jackson’s Car Wars?
The start of Steve Jackson’s Car Wars?
A passenger not a driver
Win 3.1 ?!? You are surely joking. ...not to mention 3.0 was wretched and the few improvements in 3.1 mostly came from users complaining, not the developers.
Don’t know what the neighborhood is like there. Up the street from me, be unknown, and park too long in front of the apartments and a gang is likely to shoot you. Park too long on my street and you’ll get confronted, or an older neighbor will call the cops. Too many kids casing houses and the street.
Cool, I guess if I ever need my car to look like lacquered baby vomit I know where to go...though I don’t foresee that need anytime soon.
What you just described is not “six of one, half dozen of the other.” Mostly because at the end you decide to say it is easy to remove, which also runs contradicting to the post you were responding and confirming by saying, “Right, so it’s...”
How is the fault with tesla? Because of sneaky computers?
Omg you are really about this ms thing. From the article: “Over 10 seconds and approximately 300m later and while under manual steering control, the driver drifted out of the lane, collided with a barrier, overcorrected, crossed both lanes of the highway, struck a median barrier, and rolled the vehicle. “
“you cant let a big group of people play a cell phone game peacefully in a park” Well there is one way to spin and misrepresent it.
If I’m remembering my videos correctly, there is a longer version where the police show up and try to get him out. I think he had stolen the scooter...but i could be remembering another one.
So if I overinflate and camber stance the hell out of the wheels I'll lower the rolling resistance and...I’ll make all the MPGs!
I’ve been watching the one where LeBlanc is dosed to his eyeballs on tranquilizers and NyQuil.
What the hell do people see in LeBlanc? Is there a secret edit version of the show where he displays a personality beyond being gutter soaked wool blanket?
Sabine is the most lively and genuine feeling one on the show.
In other news: Man Testing Autopilot’s Limits, Finds Autopilot’s Limit.
What is all this “others on the road haven’t opted in or given consent” nonsense? I didn’t opt in for the guy beside me this morning to be drinking coffee and looking at his phone, or the for the person to turn left from the far right lane, or for that lady to not stop at the stop sign, or for drivers to speed up on…
This is the “not wearing a seatbelt saved my friend’s life” therefor seat belts are dangerous argument.
“Freedom” is an odd word choice...but I guess for me riding brought back the joy of being on the road and being connected it and feeling it. Like, you can feel the painted lines even. Basically, all the reasons I liked to just aimlessly drive, the bike brought all that back, but then I started to just really…
Not a sink, but I had what I’m guessing was a toilet tank drop in front of me. It shattered into several large pieces and I snuck through fine....then at home I saw my headlight was shattered and full of porcelain bits.
Hitting a mattress on the interstate is one of my biggest fears. Probably because I just can’t quite wrap my head around what the bike might or might not due hitting it.