You thought Matt was good? Surely you troll. He was under ten feet of fog the whole time, even his narriations. The guy must be dosing horse tranquilizers.
You thought Matt was good? Surely you troll. He was under ten feet of fog the whole time, even his narriations. The guy must be dosing horse tranquilizers.
16 years makes perfect sense. Let me give you a few other numbers to put it in perspective.
Brake light on a license plate frame is hardly the same thing
Nothing about fnaF makes any sense starting with the premise. Don't go looking for logic now.
searching for clues as to what’s going to happen in this fall’s follow-up. ...and it sure won't be gameplay.
He did a 13:37 in 2002. Won the open class, albeit there were only two cars entered. I doubt this is some flight of fancy he hasn't thought about.
Notice the kid has a skateboard too! Reckless parenting! Why are they even putting him in a car? Auto accidents happen all the time! Call child services!
Oh you sound like our neighbor we call Ordinance Man. Go back to Dunwoody.
I love my motorcycle. Wouldn't trade it for anything. However. Depending on where you live and what your commute and/errands are like, it is really hard to beat a 150cc+ scooter. It is just fun and beyond practical.
Chrysler Laser? All crack pipe, all the time.
Fuck PewDiePie. And let's not have any more of him at jalopnik, please and thank you.
$45k for a car not worth $5k should buy a lot of driveway privilege.
Wtf? Nobody ran after or tried to follow the guy?
I’ve done the streaming app a few times now. Overall it’s been great. Last year for Le Mans it had a few issues connecting and buffering here and there but not for any prolonged period of time. Typically I’d run it as sort of “back up” to other streams I’d have going but used it as the primary stream last year. It’s…
Cars and coffee doesn't foster the same atmosphere of entitlement and partying and driving.
Oops, my mistake, nope, they don’t seem to be doing a replica thing, more of a Lego thing. The gas tank is apparently a slip on cover so they can offer different styles. ....the point of this is starting to elude me unless I just want one of those engines in one of those frames without any fussing about, which is just…
Kit cars require an engine donor...hell and a chassis donor, and gearbox, in most cases. It’s just replicating a specific bike or car you probably can’t buy due to cost or being unavailable.
I had never heard of this song. So, virgin ears test. I also hate what I have heard from csn and if forced to listen to them or jefferson airplane would likely say airplane. (though I’d rather hear nothing at all) So now with my impartiality credits out of the way...The CSN version is better. Don’t get me wrong, both…
I know pretty much zero about this topic, so thanks for the brief back history on her previous looks.
First will be the fear of peepers jet hovering outside bathroom windows. Then someone will chase and attack a rider with a drone. And the final nail in the coffin will be when a nightclub burns down when a metal band lands in the audience.