
And what about before their were people? And what about things we didn’t even know to know? And how come when things have been tested for, they came out the same? And if its the conscious mind that the laws of the universe stem from, is it a democratic process? Why is based on us and not some other things out there in

No, that’s “nuts.” As evidenced by the history you point to. The belief in four humors didn't make the four humors exist.

I didn’t give mine anymore thought than I do to any other engine in regards to the oil. It went over 250k and never had any issues. (The clutch did, but not the engine) This oil thing everyone mentions is confusing, I never felt it to be or was an issue.

I would be.

Well if the goal is to just imagine something that improves the chances of anti-gravity devices, then just imagine there is an anti-gravity crystal you can set on things and make them float. It just hasn't been discovered yet. Or a magic spell. other words, the ability to construct and idea to make another idea

Given the number of complete mental impaired dumbasses that ride, clutch control is hardly a mentally taxing ability. And if you haven’t noticed from the comments, there are already a number of people that do ride, so are mentally capable of clutch control, and would still not mind a DCT.

But is it breaking a rule? Honestly it sounds more like an incredibly broad interpretation of broadcasting rights which I don’t think anyone could have reasonably anticipated, and which someone probably has grounds to call bs on such an interpretation. In other words, just because they say something is breaking the

If by fit and most cars, you mean by using a rack, then sure.

$500 worth of work? I’ve seen 4chan users crank out less tacky work in 15 minutes.

If you want to fit a bike comfortably in the “trunk” you need to be buying a van.

If the is the biggest design flaw is a fairly ok but no “ideal” trunk, than, well, seems they did a pretty damn good job.

Well to be fair, you don't really shift, and once in second it's pretty foot free after that.

Lol. I worked a warhouse once that utilized some sort of prisoner work release program thing. Don’t know the details except we were told they weren’t “violent” and “well behaved.” They would get driven in each morning and picked up at the end of the day. Anyway, one guy really wanted Burger King one day and stole a

That's just gorgeous

He flipped it or didn’t but at the time of writing the details/source might have been sketchy. Reportedly is a perfectly ok word choice.

It would seem far easier to just keep pressing him about his stubby thumbs

I don’t know how it would rural. I spent some time on one in the city and found it taxing. It is underpowered, though I’m not usually too bothered by that though the v7 is low even by my standards lol I did love it at first, it had a certain pep but after awhile I felt like I was just always chasing gears. Reminded me

$14k...ouch. I love my 04 Thruxton. I mean love it to the point my gf gets jealous. I ride it daily everywhere. I crossed the country on it, and I’ve been up and down the coasts on it....and I’ll probably keep it until I’ve spent over 14k on it cause I love it....but I don’t think I’d buy one new for $14,000. (I think

If it’s your only bike, I don’t know if I would....I love guzzis but at the end of the day, I'm not sure I'd have one as my one and only daily. As a second, I'd do it in a heart beat probably.

Yes the old, stand idly by on moral high ground argument.