
Bucklers were, weirdly, perceived to be a pretty aggressive thing to carry around. So, I’m not sure I’d attribute it to as a poor man’s shield.) Warfare, I don’t think I can recall them getting much use. That video I posted earlier, the channel itself has some interviews and demonstrations with sword and buckler

I don’t get it with some cases I do, like I see that cinematically a big “finisher” or even a giant jump or two might be pretty exciting. But “real” is just as interesting, if not more so, to watch. I could understand if “real” was like modern day fencing, then lol, yeah, choreographic it into something

“And anything pointed, like long-shafted pikes or tipped hammers/maces and the like were much more popular, cause they could actually pierce plate.” That gets really tricky...but maces weren’t all that lethal. And they weren’t punching through plate. Even if they did, they still would have mail and a gambeson to get

Actually a lot of “greatswords” were decorative/ceremonial. and its pretty much always beneficial to have a sharp edge. This idea that swords were dull is a myth.

Obi-Wan/Vader fight holds up? Um....yeah going to have to say no, it doesn’t, and never did. The fight was pretty darn weak, even as a kid in the theatre I remember it being rather blah.

There is almost no configuration short of severely handicapping the “knight” (man at arms might be a better word for it) that I wouldn't put my money on him.

Armor was amazingly good at being armor. Why that surprises people is beyond me.

While some swords might not have been razor sharp, bludgeoning is probably the wrong word as it implies a completely dull or blunted edge and that just wasn't the case. Even many dedicated thrusting swords could still cut. It's just easier to grip a sword by the blade then people tend to think. ...heck grabbing a

No, don't try that show. It's crap.

Now playing

Actually, there has been some “really pushing the cars.” ;)

If I saw you get shot in the gut, punched a few times, and then stabbed in the face, I’d call it day myself.

Yes and Horatio Jackson took sixty-three days, twelve hour and 800+ gallons of gas to cross the country in the first gas powered car. and pardon me if I’m skeptical you could do it faster at the speed limit with excursions....and no planning ahead? The slowest cannonball speeds, and I assume they didn’t excursion on

Oh coleman, lol, I have seen someone, actually using a picnic tablecloth fair better than a couple in a coleman as far as being soaked. $300-$350 is the general minimum dollar amount area I tend to lean towards, or suggest. At least for anything more serious than a few times a summer backpacking. But I do think once

Not sure how ones measures % of betterness of a tent, but I’ve slept in hundreds of different tents and cheap is awful. The first nearly 12 hour storm I was in, I wasn’t 10% dryer, I was 100% dry. My buddies on the other hand, were 100% soaked in what might as well have been a bathtub at that point. I’ve seen plenty

Ok....I’m just confused my this accusation. So Rossi is saying, he now had to compete against two people, both of which are strong riders, and both which he has to compete against anyway and that is harder to do. Sounds about right...ok what was the complaint again..

Oh no lol, I love my HOV part of my commute. The first part of it though feels like a running man death sentence. One head and two eyes are not enough to spot all the directions cars have cut into lanes from. 20/85 connector, you are a nightmare of greedy selfish drivers all trying to get somewhere two feet sooner.

While I generally agree the lines were put there for a reason, I can't help but think of the road right up the street from me which gets repainted every year or two with a different combination. Ten years ago, you could pass, then you couldn't, then one direction could but not the other, then nobody again, now there

Except now you are adding in additional circumstances. You spoke in general earlier that if someone was driving poorly then one should pull over or turn off.

They are programmed to understand the laws, LOL.....I could barely finish reading the rest due to laughter, and then it just got funnier.