
That might be the most fantastic wreck I’ve ever seen.

An apology for using siren? The police kicked in a wrong door here, on a bad tip, shot the home owner, shot his dog, then one cop shot his partner. An apology? LOL. Nope. But they did say they would look into it. ...f me

It would be a shame to have to try. Seriously if f3 and oblivion were too complicated, how do you even turn a system on to play?

“ Some of you had questions like: “What’s better, the Charisma SPECIAL, or the Speech Skill?” Bethesda solving Can’t be bothered and God forbid you don’t have a perfect build, one game at a time. I'm starting to suspect their idea of role playing isn't much beyond sitting in a playground with my little pony dolls and

Well if you are a motorcyclist the first thing you do is pick the bike up, check the damage, and weep. Then you remember someone was probably on it and look around for them.

But oh those are a fantastic kind of punishment...though not always at the time, sometimes it is just punishment, but afterwards, its always fantastic. lol

A year or so ago I met a kid (17) he had spent his time after school cutting grass to save money (how damn old school is that? lol) and was so excited to have bought an Enfield. It was a good looking bike. Sadly, it literally fell apart around him in about six months. And that became his “motorcycle experience.”

Cool cool. Lol. Just had to give warning. I’ve seen the Enfields break too many first time rider’s hearts in less than a year.

If it’s your first bike, don’t get one. If it’s going to be a daily, don’t get one. If it’s a second bike, or you are fine with your car, AND you want it, like lustfully want one, then go for it.

I think it's safe to assume that it's an enfield so it's going to fall apart. Unless this is the year they finally don't....but that seems like it's asking a lot since they have been saying they fixed their reliability year after year.

All I want to know is about their reliability ....or is it safe to assume parts are going to fall off as you ride, just as they have for over a decade now. Whenever I’m asked one all I can I say is, “you have to want to own one, and have another way to get around.”

And suddenly everyone is an international arms dealer expert. Cause nobody ever bought something somebody else wanted and kept it cause they wanted it too.

Here you go. Some of the problems to overcome, like 50,000g on the wheel’s rims

1000mph attempt, delays should be expected. Complaining a 1000mph hour is behind schedule, well you are right, talk is cheap isn't it.

If we all drove rocket sleds and called those cars, we would just complain if it were wheel driven. Common concept of a car does not strictly define what exactly a car is.

I’m really going to disagree with him being “noticeably” more skilled. There was not really any indication of that when compared to others not hired to be drivers. I suppose the argument could be made that the guy with box’s driver is just even more skilled than Larry, but what little we get to see of Larry is several

J Frank Parnell’s neutron bomb. ..or three dead aliens

Do they mention why all the other characters can drive just as well or better than the professional hired specifically to be the driver?

I hate, and it endlessly bugs me, that the guy hired to be the driver, that we have no indication of being incompetent isn't that good. Everyone else in the movie, regardless of what they were hired to do, pretty much can drive just well as he can. What's he even there for.

Thats a real thing? Weird, I’ve never seen that screen before. Been using mac regularly since os7.0. Not saying they just work that well, just that its weird I’ve never seen that. ..maybe cause they just work that well. :D