Maddest of the Hatters

Finally! Somebody that knows what they are talking about when they mention “waste sites in the desert southwest”. However, Yucca Mountain was designed for the storage of all the spent nuclear fuel cells that are just chillin’ in cooling pools at nuclear power plants. (Pun partially intended.) It was not designed to

I know exactly what you mean. It’s like there’s a safety valve that is missing in some people’s cognitions, so they aren’t able to properly filtrate the information they’re receiving. For example, I go to a yoga class three times a week. I do it for fitness and to destress, and the class is mostly that, but it does

I’m endlessly fascinated by people who join cults. Much of this is because I’m a pretty hardcore non-joiner. I’m not lonely, or isolated. But the ideas of 1) submitting my mind to someone else and 2) having to be around other people all of the time are abhorrent to me. I’m not better than anyone, but every time I see

I think Raniere sounds like he was a scammer from jump. Wasn’t he running an MLM?

Plus it sound as if the landfill will only contain contaminated materials that are already at the site being decommissioned. These materials are already there, but somehow pose more of a risk if they’re buried in an engineered landfill rather than being exposed to the elements like they are today?

Ummm- it’s not just Harry Reid (who is retired). Pretty much all NV politicians from both sides of the aisle oppose this dump site.

I thought Nexium was always a scam? Like an MLM organization selling empowerment for a few hundred bucks a pop?

Not sure about Keith Raniere but there were red flags about Jim Jones from his childhood. He loved animals and loved to “play church” by conducting funerals for pets, but he also cruelly experimented on animals with a junior medical kit and starved them. He was hungry for power and attention, and had a lot of

See and that could very well be it...that the Rainiers and Jones’ of the world are narcissists and sociopaths who embark upon these endeavors as a form of self validation, espousing the kinds of ideas that appeal to people looking for meaning in their lives, and then they use that opportunity to exploit and to take

The residents of this Ohio community are just as NIMBY as anyone in the southwest.

Okay, and shipping it cross country there? What about the threat to the literally hundreds of communities it would have to pass through? If you your ‘win’ is ‘just dump it in the desert’ like that is an actual solution you don’t really care.

They’d rather see all this junk shipped off to disposal sites in the Southwest, where some low-level waste has already been sent. After all, what if the landfill leaks?’

Exactly why they built the Yucca Mountain site. But there are NIMBYs there, too, who won’t let it open. You can thank Harry Reid.

Hi, resident of one of the states west of the Rockies which houses some nuclear waste. It is one of the places politicians in other states keep saying to send nuclear waste. People do live here, they are not talking about putting this stuff in the middle of uninhabited land. It is sitting on top of a huge aquifer that

Yep, give us jobs building the facility and working there but when it closes down ship that shit somewhere else.

They reaped the monitary rewards from the plant while it was open, they should have to deal with the pollution it caused, rather than shipping the waste somewhere else. This is NIMBY at it’s worst.

Specious thinking defined.

Better point 2012:

can someone help me here? it seems like the people are complaining about the cleanup and disposal of radioactive material in a landfill. But the material that is going into that landfill is already on site and has been on site for decades. This is just an effort to get it out of the open air and into a contained

The Mills have never taken issue with the DOE facility, but they don’t want this landfill. They’d rather see all this junk shipped off to disposal sites in the Southwest, where some low-level waste has already been sent. After all, what if the landfill leaks?