
If they remotely disable them then it seems like they need to check in periodically to work. Nope.

That’s a shame that you feel the need to upgrade your phone so frequently. I’m still on a Pixel 2xl. Recently I cracked it open, replaced the USB-C port and battery for a total of $15 off of Ebay, and slapped it together. Works like new. What’s more, the Snapdragon 835 is only about 10-15% slower than the 765G, which

Nope - turns out that in a dangerous situation that you can avoid, continuing on makes you a guilty party as well. You don’t get all the liability, just not the ability to claim total innocence.

Here in Minneapolis we get the same shit, except they’re always Chargers instead of Camaros. These cars appeal to the absolute worst people - it’s a high-horsepower car that you can finance regardless of credit at 30% APR, and the marketing and image is the same fake tough guy crap of “this is a MAN car that only MEN

looking at the 5 claims above, I can state for a fact that the second and fourth ones are incorrect. First of all, how can you say that maintaining CDMA service won’t require the use of PCS spectrum when that’s the spectrum that Sprint uses for it’s CDMA service? They’re not going to move an aging technology to other

Have you driven one? I remember years ago driving my cousin’s BRZ and I had the same opinion until I drove it. 

Other than “Any Luxury Car” and the Super Coupe.. this list makes me sad. I feel like so few people drive manuals now there is no appreciation for rowing your own gears anymore.

I had one of those V8-equipped T-birds and you’re just dead wrong about the auto being better. It was an infuriating lump that never seemed to know which gear it should be in. The “gear hunting” was ridiculous and made we sad I could not option the manual version.

As someone who has looked into Webasto products in the past, and backed out after hearing feedback from other customers, I’m not at all surprised that these tops are not up to snuff. What surprises me is that Ford partnered with them in the first place.

Ford is comically bad at introducing new models. It took me 16 months to get my Focus RS from order to delivery thanks to production issues. I can only imagine how long it will take them to unfuck this issue with 10x more cars in the ordering system. I want a Bronco but refuse to play the hurry up and wait game again.

I have a question I need answered - Why when I click on my notifications on Kinja does it NOT bring my comment and replies to the top anymore, its just a needle in a haystack now.?  .....Autos can be ok in heavier cars.

Anything I’m commuting in.

Is that where you landed on your “jump to conclusions” mat?

That blue text on top of the silver vehicle is practically unreadable.  Who thought that was a good choice?

I’ve shopped for cars in Australia and they seem to be about 2x in AUD compared to USD for the same car. Maybe this is due to the fact that on average Aussie buy cheaper/smaller cars?  Seems sus.

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I’d love to... whenever I can save enough to own a $30,000 car... Now that I have a new baby and a new mortgage, it’s not going to happen anytime soon sadly...

Maybe you’re looking for something more 80s and forget what the Countach originally looked like:

And the Flex. Range Rover. Bronco.

2008 Escape, too.