
If you feel like you need to get a second car because you’re going to need something reliable on monday, you’re driving your car too hard. 

The real travesty here is that is was filmed in portrait instead of landscape.

Oh stop it.

“efficient crossovers”

The HRV is based on the Fit. It manages to be slower, more expensive, uglier, thousands more expensive, AND 15-20% worse on gas. What a great deal!

Gas will get expensive again if we ever have politicians that look to make driving a secondary mode of transport, not the norm.  

5 years he might have to be responsible for it. 10 years is definitely someone else’s problem.

Bigger isn’t always better.

God, that looks so fucking cheap.

To each their own, but I wholeheartedly disagree with leaving a kid in the car. Especially a 4 year old that’s old enough to hop out and join you. It takes less than a minute for someone to steal a car. Even if you can “see your car and kid,” by the time you react, its too late.

Most people who steal cars know how to drive stick. It’s not like it’s hard.

Start with Don’t leave your keys in it while its running outside the store

I applaud their enthusiasm but I haven’t read anything about transportation being the bottleneck for the vaccination effort. At this point getting the right people at the right time to the vaccine is the real problem.

To be fair, the Landcruiser is as comparable to the average modern SUV as a howitzer is to a rubber band gun.

Frankly, it’s the Marketing Department’s own fault. They’ve been selling this idea of what a car IS and what it MEANS to own and drive it. Which is all BS. Then they have the gall to be offended when people get mad that they switch the message entirely.

1st. Gear: Normally I would be on the side of governments letting free trade do it’s thing and leave private enterprise to the laws of supply and demand.

In other news, carmakers are hiring 6-year-olds to name vehicles.

Dieselgate fine was $2.5B in the US. This was a fine for $120M. Dieselgate was for actively making a “cheat program” that allowed the car to meet emissions testing requirements but used different programming when not in the emissions testing pattern. This was a fine for emissions-related reporting errors. That’s the

It’s not just a misunderstanding about how the stock market works... almost every negative Tesla comment in here shows a lack of knowledge about what the company does and what technologies it is working on. Tesla batteries are supplying power in Australia and to many American’s homes... Tesla solar has the lowest

This seems like a lot of work for little gain.

All for “LS everything” but this seems silly. Point of LS is to introduce a demonic possession into something underpowered. A swapped model S would be slower, less powerful, and have worse traction. 

So then they’re making another Assassins Creed game.

Yup, and Amazon hit 3600 P/E ratio in 2012. When a company flips from negative to positive profits, P/E ratios are often out of whack until they scale a bit more in the profitable side. This P/E ratio for Tesla doesn’t really say as much as people are assuming.  I’d be glad to have bought Amazon in 2012 during their