
You talk like minorities don’t also worry about quality of life and wouldn’t love to live somewhere with peace and quiet. I can’t speak to this particular event, but I live in a working class neighborhood and it sucks sometimes. Let’s ignore the assholes blasting music from cars, because that’s a daily occurrence.

As a UX designer who’s been looking to find a new job for about a year stuff like this sticks in my craw. My resume probably wouldn’t get past the HR department of a company like Tesla because, as I’ve been told, it reads like I’m a “doer” not an “achiever”.

A car isn’t fun to drive just because it has an excessive amount of horsepower. However, I get that consumer expectations have gotten ridiculous and a fun car today isn’t what it was 30 years ago. For all the pretension, the majority of “enthusiasts” just want a car with crazy acceleration. Unfortunately, cars have

I’d take a Lexus IS350 instead. Even if it’s a bit down on power vs this I think it’s a far more attractive car, naturally aspirated, RWD and reliability is proven.

The Tesla looks like it was originally designed with a grille but someone in management forced the team to delete it at the last minute. That’s why it looks awkward.

I’m a bit surprised that Jalopnik has yet to mention her passing.

About 5 years ago, with wife was driving, we headed up a street on a random day in May. Suddenly, a car shot out of a side street just ahead of us, cranking a hard left to turn headed in the opposite direction. This particular stretch through my city tends to be chaotic, so while startling, it’s nothing new to have ran

I’m not too surprised. Minis are fun to drive, albeit overrated in my opinion. However, the only people I ever see driving new Minis are yuppies who want a small car but absolutely must buy European so that they’re accepted by their social circles. Of course they lease them, so they don’t generally have them long

The nose/forehead thing above the grille looks a bit strange, at least in white. I can see why the last gen and current Accord color that part black or chrome. The way the hood panel just floats above the body, disconnected from every other styling element, is a bit strange. The taillights look like crap. I realize

No, forcing EVs on the USPS is not in their best interest. Just because they may be the future doesn’t mean it’s wise go all-in now. This isn’t just a matter of buying a bunch of trucks. It’s building a charging and maintenance infrastructure, which not only requires massive expenditures but also retraining.

That’s Japan for you. Doesn’t matter how big a company is, communications and marketing efforts can often still feel like amateur hour.

Kia makes good cars, but let’s not resort to hyperbole here. Toyota and Honda still make excellent cars are are still among the most respected for numerous reasons. Toyota sales are 2x of Hyundai and Kia combined and even Honda continues to edge them out. Ford and GM also outsell the Koreans by a huge margin.

The Soul is a neat little car. I personally think the fact that people disparage this car is a reflection on just how bad the economic divide is in this country. I’d argue that the automotive press isn’t helping, especially those in social media. They enjoy such easy access to extremely high end cars that it distorts

That’s still a lot of rubber and looks a hell of a lot better than the crap people put on their cars.

Seems like a good fit. Overpaid yuppies have an irrational obsession overpriced bicycles. They’re the sort who will buy 3 or 4 of these bikes and associated gear so that they can cosplay as Tour de France contenders.

It’s absolutely shocking to think that the USPS actually chose the best-looking truck. Are all these companies so utterly incapable of designing something both utilitarian and marginally attractive?

That thing looks like it comes straight out of the 90s. What is it with American truck companies that they’re incapable of designing something that’s both functional and attractive?

If it weren’t for the badge, and maybe the headlights, I would have been convinced this was a new model from VW or Audi. It’s not a bad looking car, but the Korean automakers lean a bit too hard on derivative styling cues.

Would now be a good time to just drastically reduce the amount of air travel out of this country and drastically increase the cost of tickets? I don’t know what else it will take to get people to stop flying all the time.

Nothing says creatively bankrupt like a full width taillight. I loved that aesthetic going back to the 80s and looked forward to seeing what automakers could do with modern LED tech. Then everyone and their grandmother went and copied the design even though it only really works on a handful of cars.