
China is online? The leaders in battery tech are the Koreans and Japanese. The underpinnings of quite a few electric vehicles were developed by LG.

Looks like the taillight styling from the UX is being integrated across the rest of the lineup. I’m okay with that because the UX is quite striking.

I generally avoid Harbor Freight. That said, price doesn’t always equal quality. Whatever differences do exist are largely irrelevant to the amateur. Even then, there are plenty of expensive tools that have fallen victim to cost-cutting and are even made on the same line as the cheap stuff.

I don’t understand why people keep insisting that COVID-19 is like an economic light switch where the moment it passes the economy will immediately return to normal.

The US economy generally recovers quicker specifically because American consumers spend more carelessly. Part of that is due to Americans having more disposable income, but it’s also due to our model giving consumers more rope with which to hang themselves. Credit is more readily available and goods aren’t taxed

Yeah, and those people are idiots to start splurging the moment they have some freedom. It isn’t like the economy is going to bounce back to normal the moment the quarantines are lifted. We’re going to be reeling from this for years to come. I predict many more people are going to be losing jobs, including those

So “experts” are encouraged because the drop is not quite as awful as it could have been. That’s like being relieved that your spouse only cheated on you with 2 people instead of 3. They’re also happy that a bunch of idiots are heading into a recession, if not outright depression, with insane long-term loans.

For me, it hasn’t loaded the first time in over a year. However, they always came up when I refreshed the page, up until about 2 months ago. Now I’m lucky if they show up at all. Chrome seems more reliable, but I can’t be bothered to switch browsers just to leave a comment.

That NPR article is from 2 weeks ago and it looks like COVID-19 infections are beginning to level off again in Japan.

It’s way too early to be speculating on the economic impact of this COVID-19. Cuts have focused on low wage jobs is because those are the easiest to eliminate and are more likely to be directly affected by the virus. However, the information I’ve been seeing trickle out looks grim. I expect we’re going to be seeing a

I was curious because what you’re describing sounds unsustainable, so I looked up the details. The UK doesn’t have statutes for furloughed workers, but they are reimbursing 80% of employee wages. However, that’s up to a maximum of £2,500/month. The employer can make up the 20% difference (bring the total up to £3,125),

I guess it depends on where you live. Around here sports bikes, dirt bikes and ATVs are the problem. Harleys are common enough, but they’re outnumbered by obnoxious assholes riding and driving other stuff.

I was ambivalent about the Civic’s styling, but I’ve seen a couple of these in the wild it’s a step backwards. Honda could have addressed the criticisms but instead they doubled down on the visual clutter.

There’s no question that people should be protected from the virus. That said, in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore people continued going to work and companies took precautions to mitigate the infection.

SARS taught Taiwan the value of an organized, concerted response to future pandemics at all levels. One of the first things they did was screening for sick travelers. They implemented stations with infrared cameras look for anyone with elevated temperatures.

Americans have this weird mentality where they believe the car makes the person. Workers all over the world are productive with trucks half the size of the F150. Americans don’t buy trucks and SUVs because they actually need them; they buy them because they obsess about convenience to the point of irrationality and

It’s not bad, but I wouldn’t call it gorgeous. It seems vaguely derivative to me.

It’s important to note that they’re talking about the value of cars and not the income level of drivers. I bring that up because I live in an economically depressed low-middle class city and my anecdotal experience reflects what this study shows. Although, it certainly doesn’t help that pedestrians routinely cross

I bet stupid marketing manager (aka self-professed creative genius) came up with this gem, certain it would resonate with millennials and inevitably go viral.

Are you trying to compensate for driving some unreliable piece of shit?