
vapor deposition

Over $95k and still unreliable. Is the lack of reliability some kind of badge of honor or does it ensure exclusivity? Perhaps your average consumer is not special enough to put up with this level of unreliability. Or is it like when ultra-luxury brands destroy unsold product so that the plebs can’t get their hands on

I suspect that Audi believes the only people who will be buying these things will fall on the top end of the economic spectrum. The RS4 is too plebeian for that demographic.

I’m in my 40s, with 2 kids, and we own two small hatchbacks. It might be once a year that a larger vehicle would be useful and I suspect that’s the case for most people. So it’s impossible for me to justify a larger, less efficient vehicle.

The NSX wasn’t kicking anyone’s ass. It was a competent car that was very satisfying to drive but was never a world beater. It’s strongest aspects were refinement and reliability, but the thing that really made it special was that it was something different from Honda.

Becky never uses more than 75hp, which just goes to show how ridiculous power output has gotten.

Does it actually look dated or are you saying that just because it has a Cadillac badge? It looks as contemporary as anything else on the road. I also think this looks decent although I agree that there are a lot of better looking cars on the market.

It’s different by real world standards, but by concept car standards it’s generic. Automakers have churned out dozens of bubble canopy, open-wheel off-roader concepts over the past few decades.

That concept looks more like a crossover than a hatchback.

It’s not bad; but it looks a bit like a concept from the early 2000s and generally has the aesthetic of a European kitchen appliance. It also looks more like the typical crossover than a capable offroader. It might be actually be competent, but I don’t think Land Rover is really targeting anyone but their usual

I can understand automakers building their own internal combustion engines because they have such distinct characteristics and there are so many potential ways to solve the same challenges. Electric motors, on the other hand, are all relatively similar and don’t have any particularly distinctive characteristics.Take p

I wish I could do my 16 mile commute in only 26 minutes. It took me 45 minutes this morning and I used back roads. If I had gotten on the highway it would have been closer to an hour.

I’m struggling to understand what’s “un-German” about any of this. They take creative liberties, like everyone else, and German naming schemes are nothing if not convoluted. In fact, I’d argue that the usage of “Turbo” by Porsche is quite clear: top tier and faster.

Random question: where is the front license plate supposed to be mounted? It looks like there’s a sensor sitting right where it would normally go.

Stand outside an Ikea and you’ll see people with big SUVs struggle to load even modest package. I don’t think your average person spends more than a fraction of a second considering how to load something. Instead they expect a bottomless pit into which they can fling anything.

On the other hand, even a 3 hour movie feels concise compared to a 15+ episode TV show crammed full of filler and featuring an increasingly convoluted storyline.

I distinctly remember people looking down on the Prowler when it was introduced. While there was some appreciation for the fact that Chrysler tried something different, many thought that effort should have gone into something else. This car did nothing to revitalize the Plymouth brand and in the last 2 years was

The reason Cadillac started chasing the Germans is specifically because Americans haven’t wanted American luxury in decades. It’s fundamentally why most American luxury brands are dead and the few who linger appeal to older demographics.

The only crack pipe around here is being smoked by the person recommending a Land Rover over a Toyota.

I have a car with one of those screens that sticks up from the dashboard. I like it. The nice thing about a clearly defined screen is that I know where the boundaries are. It gives me a visual reference point and a place to rest prior to interaction. I don’t have to reorient myself every time I look down at that huge