I pre-ordered mine from Best Buy yesterday.
I pre-ordered mine from Best Buy yesterday.
FFVII Remake really shouldn’t be under SONY MEGATONS since it is coming to all platforms.
Or beat them against a tree while in the sleeping bag and randon parts could fly out on each strike.
The side-scrolling beat-em-up is a video game genre that really needs to make a comeback.
Always wear a cup!
Love John Noble doing the voice of Scarecrow!
Your headline calling him a Goober is not doing you any favors when you then try to convince people to watch a video.
I still have like 6 months on my Sub. If I buy another does it just add the time onto the end?
I still have like 6 months on my Sub. If I buy another does it just add the time onto the end?
I have been saying since consoles first started having internet connections and hard drives that this was the future we were headed for. Now we have one of the biggest cons of PC games with online consoles. Games are rushed to market because they know they can just push a patch out later. Its ridiculous and needs…
RPG ala Elder Scrolls or Fallout is the way to go with an IP like Ghost in the Shell.
Now if only there was more content to the game...
Don't bet on that. Diablo III has been a big hit on consoles.
The opening ceremonies of Blizzcon were free to watch.
That still is an in-game shot!
They did? I totally missed it. Is the new ending up on Youtube?
And that is the beauty of World of Warcraft. The fact that the developer encourages users to use mods and the community has stepped up and made mods that go far and above the UI Blizzard designed.
Actually his would be the dart on the floor.
Perhaps we should send this guy a bunch of copies of the following book?
why don't these companies short term lease a server farm for the first month or so when a game like this comes out? Then, once they have a good idea of peak load, scale back to that.