
We’ll get a KotR 3 as soon as HL3 is announced..

Would have been nice to see some 3d manuever gear shots. Makes me think there probably won’t be that many in the actual movie and for the ones that are there, they may not look as great as they do in the anime.

I'm not a huge fan of it purely because everyone constantly plays it. Does nobody like a little variety? You just want to get so good at one map that you dominate on it and nothing else?

It's a good game. A short game, yes. A repetitive game, yes. Has Bungie made a lot of awful choices? Abso-fucking-lutely. But an addictive, good game nonetheless. This is coming from somebody who "quit" once thinking I could fill the void with other games. Took about 2 months to come back with open arms.

Proof reading, how does it work?

I do believe that no one cares what his opinions are, because “all racing driver’s opinions are terrible.”

I don't think anyone is suggesting that four factions CAN'T work, just that dropping a whole new faction into a game currently balanced for three would be a massive undertaking, and more than likely ruin the established balance.

This is very impressive.

Too bad Peter Jackson isn't as big a fan of physics. His CGI might have worked better if his cavalry didn't just roll through the enemy like magical horse bulldozers.

Am I the only one here who thinks that this game would be better received if it wasn't titled Battlefield? I immediately lost interest when it was announced as Battlefield, had this been announced as a new IP, I might have been fooled to at least be intrigued by the "new" premise. I'd be like, "Oooh, a new game by the

I'd have killed for Sid Meier's Starships!

This game should not have been a stand alone game as is, it's too thin and they were better off making a "PIRATES!" in space.

wrong perspective.

Look at this shit. Here's 2K's guide on how to run the game in "fullscreen"

Have you seen the stuff she's been doing with her boyfriend Fakenerdboy - Ryan Brandt? it's amazing!

I dunno, I really enjoyed Halo 4's music. It captured the Forerunner themes perfectly, and just generally sounded a bit more..."grown up" than some of the classic themes from Halo.

I'd really love to see an ODST game with Rainbow Six/Ghost Recon like mechanics that was more of a realistic squad based game. Granted the actual ODST game was great, but it would have been nice to have a greater emphasis on squad combat.

Comparing it with other online-only games that constantly have downtime and errors, Destiny has been pretty impressive actually. It had a solid launch, and besides PSN and XBL going down during Christmas, there have been little-to-no problems server-wise. Honestly, that's extremely impressive. Even WoW had problems

So there you have it, folks: include one single cool idea and everyone will forget your lackluster DLC and terrible last-gen port and hand you GOTY!

I've gotten more exotics from Xur and vanguard missives than from Nightfalls or raids; the few times I did get an exotic, Xur just so happened to be selling it that weekend. Sure Bungie, the RNG is just in our heads, sure.