Wait, this is evidence for why he should not be on the cover.

I've always been partial to the handsome, yet tortured, Montgomery Clift myself...

You win a Burt Reynolds eclair! Eat up!

tattooed turtle ballsack

I don't know why, but that made me laugh out loud!

Thank you for introducing me!

Who is this fine ass man?

Let some jackass try and tell me what I can wear...

When you are bouncing topless on a crotch, everything is opposite. Backward winds blow forward, garbage is "art," and a spoiled no-talent gets praise on a feminist website.

I am so with you.

@Kanye's video

That was AWESOME. Thank you!

Thanks! You just reminded me to try circulatory yoga, so I really appreciate you kind words!

Thank you! I'm trying to keep a positive outlook while not getting too excited. It really helps to be able to share this with others! You are very kind… the thought of a wonderful, healthy, chunky little mini-us made me smile!

Thank you for sharing your experience, I appreciate it. I hope that your disease is under control and you are healthy and strong.

I just started IVF treatments today. I'm so scared/excited/wary. I can't talk with anyone in my "real" life about it (long story), so I thought I'd share it with my fellow Jezzies. Requesting/needing your positive energy (and advice)!